part 7

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"I will just help him with math" I say. "Yeah I know but I still don't like him around you" he say and he seem to be jealous. "why? Martinus he won't do anything maybe he will just flirt with me nothing much" I say. "even if he try something I will kill him" he say. "You are so cute when you are jealous." I say. "Okay I am and ... I shouldn't say that" he say and look away. "Martinus I think here is something you're not telling me" I say and stop walk. "I-I ... I.... " he didn't know what to say. I come to him and put my hands on his cheeks. "What's wrong Martinus" I ask. "I'm in love..." he start and I wait for him to finish but he didn't. "With?" I ask. "Y..." "Martinus, Nelianna" I heard that anoying Veronica's voice. "Hey baby" she say to Martinus and he roll his eyes. "Aren't you see we was talking" he say mad at her. "I just..." "Go fucking away" he yelled and she at moments looked sad but when Martinus wasn't looking at her she look at me with hate and before she walked away she tell me "stay away from him". I look at her shocked. Why would I? "Martinus..." "Can about it at home" he ask and I nod. We come home and when I leave my stuff in my room Martinus come in and lock the door. "so?" "I think I'm in love with .... You" he say looking me deep in my eyes. I was happy about this but at same time our feelings aren't right. I look down. "I feel same Martinus but this isn't right. We aren't supposed to feel that" I say. He come to me and make me look up at him. "I don't care. I love you and anyone will stop me" he say and stroke my cheek.

They admitted 😓😌

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