part 8

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"I love you too" I say and and he smile what make me smile too. He come closer and kiss me. We start to make out but then door bell interrupt us. "It's probably Nick" I say and he roll his eyes. "We will continue later" I say and kiss him fast on lips and I go downstairs. I was showing Nick some tasks but he seem to not listen. "okay I got it" he say but I know he didn't. "Okay let's..." "What about that we stop" he say. "are you shure you know everything you need" I ask. "Yes I am" he say. "Okay then" I say. He look at me really weird and he tryed to kiss me but I fast stand up. "Nick what are you doing" I ask. "oh come on baby you want it" he say and pull me closer. "no I don't" I say and tryed to push him but he is stronger. "Nick let me go" I yelled. "On no baby I know you want it" he say and tryed to kiss me again. "STOP" I screamed. Then he was pushed away from me and he fall on the floor. "She told you something" Martinus say. "get out of this house right now" he say. "Why would I?" Nick ask when he get up. Martinus hit him and drag him out of the house. "because I say it" he say and slammed door. "Baby sis are you okay" Martinus ask me. "Yes I am" I say and he hug me. "thank you" I say. "You don't need to thank" he say and kiss my forehead. "hey why Nick have bloody nose?" Marcus ask coming inside. "Well he tryed to kiss me and he didn't let me go so Martinus come" I say. "ouh".

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