part 10

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I wake up little before 7pm. Wow I sleeped really long. "I'm hungry" I say. "Yes me too" he say. We put on our clothes again and go downstairs to eat something. Marcus just finished with eating. "Did you know you was in your room whole day" Marcus say looking at me. "yeah we fall asleep" I say. "What was you doing before it" he say and I froze. "Uhm... We whatched movie" I say. "Which one?" he ask. "Uhmm..." "Yeah you don't need to lie I know you sleeped with each other. But one question. Why???" he say and I feel nervous now and Martinus too. "Uhmm..." I sighed. "Look we love each other but not in brother, sister way but please don't say it to mom and dad" I say and make puppy eyes. "I won't if you promise to try get over each other" he say. "Okay we'll try" I say. He then go upstairs. After we eat we go back to my room and this time we really whatched movie. "What if mom and dad find out" I ask. "They won't" "they will one day" I say and look at him. "Well I don't know what will hapined" he say. "Let's hope nothing bad" I say and lay back on his chest. "But of course we won't tell them... Yet" he say. "Of course no" I say. "But don't worry about that you will just be stressed." he say and stroke my hair. "As long as I'm with you everything is good" I say and kiss him. "I love you Nalianna" he say. "I love you too Martinus" I say.

Marcus know now 😶

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