part 5

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I lay back beside Martinus and he hug me. "I love you" he had that weird emphasis on 'you' but I ignore it. "I love you too" I say and stroke his hair. I think we both wasn't sleepy so much because we just cuddled with each other. Then I start to feel soft kisses on my neck. I really like the feeling. I didn't want him to stop so I just enjoy. "You like it?" he ask. "Mhm I do" I say. I open my eyes to see big smile on his lips. He continue to kiss my neck and I keep stroking his hair. His kissed move higher and then he stop because he come to my lips. He didn't kiss them yet. He look me in eyes and I have that feeling of butterflys in the stomach. "Can I?" he ask. "Yes" I say. He come closer and I feel his lips. I know this is wrong but I feel so good. His hands move under my shirt but he stop. "I-I'm sorry" he say. "Why?" I ask. "I tought you..." "I like it don't worry" I say and he smile. He lay on my chest and I continue play with his hair. "Good night" I say. "Good night baby sis" he say and I smile. I fast fall asleep but while I was still half awake I felt Martinus kissing my lips again slowly. I don't know why he do that but I like it. Just anyone can't find out of course. Next day I wake up by Sun hitting my face. I turn around and see Martinus on his phone but when he saw I'm awake he put it away. "good moring baby sis" he say and smile. "Good moring" I say and smile. He stroke my cheek and kiss me. "You know this is wrong" I say. "I know but I feel right" he say. "me too" I say.

So this hapined 😍

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