Chapter 7

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Peter's POV

Just as I change into my Spiderman suit, I lose my sights on Annie. It's as if she disappeared. I swing up to a nearby rooftop to scout when I remember that she was supposed to come over today. Shit. I'm about to swing home when my phone beeps. Annie just texted me. She says that she can't come over today, something about her sister. My thoughts are interrupted when Ms. Prisma taps me on the shoulder. "I need your help." She says, hovering a few feet off the ground. 

"With what?" I reply. 

"My- A girl is missing." She says, looking down. 

"I know. Cass Walters, right?" She just nods in response, ready to fly off. I'm not sure if she's forgiven me about what happened in Germany. "Ms. Prisma, can I please talk to you for a minute?" I ask. She hovers a little bit closer to the ground. I sit on the side of the rooftop, waving for her to join me.  "Come on, it'll just take a minute." I stand up and playfully pull her down so she stands on the ground. Her hands grasp my shoulders. 

Annie's POV

Spiderman can't tell, but my knuckles are white under my suit's gloves. Why did he pull me down? I wonder. He walks back to the ledge, shaking my hands away. I collapse under the weight of my own legs. I still have another week in the wheelchair, and can't exactly stand so well yet. Spiderman rushes over to me. "What happened?" He asks, helping me up. I hold onto him again. 

"Not everybody left Germany unscathed." I respond, hovering a few feet above the ground. I'm about to fly away when Spiderman stops me.  

"Ms. Prisma?" He calls out. I turn around. "This probably doesn't matter to you, but I regret not staying back to help you. I regret it every day." I nod. It does matter. I think. "I don't want my stupid decisions against helping you to stop me from helping somebody else." I nod again, probably looking like a bobblehead. There's a momentary silence. 

"What are we waiting for?" I ask. I hope Cass is okay... 

Cass (Violet)'s POV

I walk into my apartment and kick off my shoes, only to see somebody sitting on my couch in the living room. I grab a pair stiletto that lies next to the shoes I just took off. I should probably take them to my closet. (Bonus: they can also be used as self-defense in case some weird stranger is sitting on my couch)  

When I pass through the living room, I see that there isn't a stranger, it's my sister's boyfriend. "Holy shit, James. You almost gave me a heart attack." I say, and James laughs in response. "How did you even get in here?" 

"Your sister gave me a key." He replies. "And we all know that you have the nicest place." He kicks his feet up. 

"Yeah yeah..." I playfully roll my eyes and walk towards the closet. 

"Wait!" James calls out, "I almost forgot the actual reason I came here. Ryan wants you to go to his place early tonight." 

"Okay!" I respond. After putting my shoes back where they should go, I get a call from Ryan. "Hey, Ry." I say cheerfully. 

"Hey. Can you be here in like two hours? I have a surprise for you." 

"Ooooh! Sounds mysterious. I'll be there. Love you." 

"Love you." He hangs up. I straighten my hair and put it into an intricate half bun that I learned how to do from a Youtube video. As I open my closet, I think of what I should wear. I decide on a blue patterned sundress with a red-orange belt. I put on a pair of woven wedges, grab my handbag, and walk back into the living room. 

All I See is You | Peter Parker x OC **CURRENTLY DISCONTINUED**Where stories live. Discover now