1 | Pandemonium

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This is a work of fanfiction using the characters from the 'Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments' television series. This story is from my own imagination and not part of the official storyline. I do not claim any ownership over these characters or the plot of the series.

Xavier slid between the clusters of people, intoxicated bodies of mundane and downworlders alike. The stunning blonde didn't go unnoticed as he strutted through the club, receiving attention only answered with a glance or wink.

He stepped up onto the raised platform, leaning over the railing with a drink in hand. His eyes raked through the crowds, watching two worlds collide and neither cares. Xavier could tell the difference, but only just. His head turns at the sound of a heavy sigh. Xavier smirked as his eyes landed on a stunning brunette, skin littered with tattoo-like markings. A bow and quiver visible on top of a leather jacket.

"Hey gorgeous," He called over the music, gaining the person's attention.

The man was at a loss for words, glancing down to check that he had remembered to activate his rune. Confused, he looked back up at the blonde boy.

"You can see me?"

Xavier chuckled, "I'm glad that I can, Shadowhunter." He moved towards the boy, flashing his black eyes. The color covered even the whites of his eyes, like a spilled ink. Xavier smirked, grabbing his hand as it reached for his bow. He could hear the demon hunter's heart beating like a drum. He blinked quickly and the black retreated into his pupil. While he enjoyed the fear he saw, the demon wasn't out for blood tonight. "Well, gorgeous?" Xavier tutted, "What's your name?"


Xavier smiled, drawing closer to the Shadowhunter. He didn't make any further attempt to attack him. The demon was glad his hunger was satisfied, as the angel blood in the man before him taunted Xavier still.

"Just Alec?" He questioned.

Hesitantly, he answered. "Alexander."

"Pleasure meeting you," He pressed a kiss to the back of Alec's hand, before releasing it."I'm Xavier." He pulled back slightly to meet his eyes. Alec was speechless again, frozen until his name was called. "Duty calls, Shadowhunter," Xavier muttered.

With one last glance, the boy stepped back and slipped away. Alec let his hand drop back to his side and stammered out a breath. He expected an urge to draw his bow on the man, but he couldn't bring himself to move. His cheeks were flushed, a confused smile on his face. Alec cleared his throat and made his way to the heart of the Pandemonium.

Xavier watched Alec weave through the drunken bodies and wondered how he made his heart flutter in his chest. He shoved his hands into his pockets, a soft smile on his face.


"Shadowhunters? Did they give you names?"

"Why, are you expecting someone?" Magnus asked with a suspicious glance.

"A guy can hope."

Magnus Bane brushed the boy off, who snorted in annoyance. He closed Xavier's hand around the stem of his cocktail glass. Xavier set the glass down, continuing to pester Magnus.

"Fine, keep your precious names. But dark, tall and handsome is mine."

"My dear Xavier, you do have someone in mind."

"I do, so keep your hands off him."

He chuckled and Xavier crossed his arms over his chest. Xavier glanced at the entrance one last time, his eyes lighting up. Magnus recognized the look, sighing.

"Off you go then."

The blonde boy beamed, keeping to the side of the club as he approached the group. He spotted Alec, hanging back with his bow.

"Hey, gorgeous," Xavier purred.

Alec drew his bow and aimed an arrow at the blonde. Xavier's breath caught, panicking as he stared down the arrow shaft.

"Calm down, it's just me." Xavier chuckled slowly, eyes wide.


"So you do remember me, Alexander."

"Are we on full names?"

"You're so right," Xavier drawled. "I'll call you gorgeous."

Alec rolled his eyes, lowering the weapon. With the archer now calm, Xavier moved to his side. He leaned against a pole nonchalantly.

"What are you doing here?"

Xavier sighed, smiling. "That's it? I thought you'd be happy to see me." He joked.

Alec chuckled, eyes brightening. Xavier was quick to notice, smiling fondly.

"If you really want to know, I'm here with my brother."

"Your brother?"

"He told me he was meeting with a group of shadowhunters. I thought I'd take my chances." Xavier told him cheekily.

Alec's eyebrows furrowed for a moment until he let out a quiet, "Oh." He turned his eyes back to the exchange, catching a figure behind the supposed Magnus Bane. He quickly drew his bow, leaving Xavier to stumble back in surprise. He didn't calm down until he saw that the weapon wasn't aimed at him. By then, Alec had released the arrow and taken down the assailant.

Xavier followed behind him as he collected the arrow, but stayed at Magnus's side.

"Tall, dark and handsome indeed." Magnus eyed up the archer, much to his brother's displeasure.

"Magnus," He growled, glaring lightly.

The warlock grasped Xavier's arm, pulling him towards the portal.

"Magnus wait!" The red-haired girl at the front of the group stepped forward, pleading. "You're my only hope."

Xavier couldn't help thinking about how familiar she looked.

"Clarissa?" He murmured in wonder.

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