3 | Demons and Angels

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Xavier bounced his leg absentmindedly, still anxious in the presence of the demon hunters. The necklace no longer glowed, courtesy of the one and only Magnus Bane.

"Valentine was in your memory, why?"

Jace wasn't at all empathetic towards Xavier, not that he had expected any emotion from the man.

"Valak took memories of loved ones from all of you. He took my worst memory and showed it to me. It's a show of disrespect to a demon more powerful than itself. Using his own powers to discredit mine." Xavier swallowed before continuing. "My worst memory was being summoned by Valentine."

Magnus nodded along, having been the first to hear the story.

"He knew everything about me, my weaknesses and strengths. I couldn't tell how long I'd been chained. In Edom, there is no measure of time. He took vials of blood from me, only stopping when he injected me with the first serum. Couldn't have contaminated blood I suppose."

"I didn't understand why. Until he brought an infant with him to visit me. He was Valentine's son." Xavier paused, staring straight at Clary. "He experimented on the child with my blood."

"No, I don't have a brother," Clary insisted, eyebrows knitted together.

"Maybe not anymore," Xavier added. "Valentine is merciless."

"In the memory, you were injected with something, do you know what it was?" Magnus asked.

Xavier was caught off guard by the serious tone in his voice. "I don't, but I assumed it was blood. The room I was in... it smelled like death."

Magnus took in a sharp breath, "Xavier, I need to talk to you in private."

Jace stood up, jumping at the opportunity. "We need to get back to the institute."

Alec joined him, hand slipping out of Xavier's grasp. Cold air attacked his palm in place of the warmth. Before Alec could move to leave, the demon was on his feet and pulling him into an embrace.

"See you soon, gorgeous." He whispered.


"Angel blood?!"

"It's just a theory-"

"Magnus you have to be kidding me!" Xavier paced the length of the small room, eyes wide with disbelief. "Angel blood..." The demon was exasperated.

"I could run some tests-"

Magnus wished he could eat his words as Xavier turned to face him, fear and shock on his features.

"Tests?!" His voice cracked with emotion, almost betrayal.

"Xavier, you know that's not what I mean." Magnus sighed. "You are my brother."

The boy fiddled with the scales on his forearm, nails digging into his skin. He barely noticed, as his mind was back in the dark dungeon he spent every day and night in. A bloodied scale dropped to the floor. Magnus stepped forward, grasping Xavier's hands tightly.

"Stop this, Xavier. You're hurting yourself."

"It doesn't hurt." Xavier seethed.

He wrenched away from Magnus, storming out of the room to the front door. He slammed it behind him.


The girl's steps were loud against the pavement, compared to the soft pace of the demon beside her. Despite the noise around them, the city seemed almost calm, serene. Xavier was still fidgeting.

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