7 | Eidolon

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"So we're still bringing demons into the institute?"

"Say that when he can actually hear it, I dare you." Isabelle hissed.

Alec pushed past the Shadowhunter, the unconscious demon in his arms never once stirring. His expression was cold, set like stone. Izzy was by his side the whole time, but set aside her own curiosity and held her questions in.

"You do realize we can't just put an iratze on him." Her voice was flat, humorless.

"I don't know how he heals!" Alec whispered harshly. "He's not a regular demon either, he could be dying or healing and I have no idea which."

"Would a silent brother be able to help?"

Alec stared at her, eyes ablaze. "No, he said he'd be fine but it would take a while. That just means it takes a while for him to heal, right?" Alec felt useless as his sister fussed over Xavier. He forced himself to sit down, leg bouncing as he exhaled sharply. Trying to calm himself, he saw new scales recently forced through Xavier's skin.

"I wasn't the one that stabbed him with a seraph blade," Izzy muttered.

"Oh for fuck-"

"Look, I'm not pinning this on you," Isabelle interrupted. "I'm the one who made him go."

Alec looked up at the girl, confused. "What?"

"We haven't known him for long, but Xavier told me everything, good or bad. He refused to talk to me when he came out of your room." She huffed. "He told me when he confessed his feelings and how you calmed him when he almost turned into his demon form."

"That wasn't his demon form?"

"Not even close." Izzy snorted, causing Alec to lift an eyebrow. "He said something about being in Edom, but I sort of got distracted." She sighed, realizing she was off topic. "What I'm trying to say is I know he feels vulnerable here, in our realm and especially around you. I didn't know how he would react to heartbreak. I wanted him to forget about it, so I dragged him on our little mission."

Alec shook his head. "Stay here, everyone outside wants to kill him."

"You're leaving?"

"I'm making sure Lydia knows. If he wakes up, make sure he knows I haven't abandoned him."

Isabelle bit her tongue with a hard stare and watching her brother leave. "But you have."


There will be scenes and episodes missed out if I feel that Xavier doesn't fit in it or need to be involved. If there are any scenes you want to see him in, leave a comment or message me.


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