5 | Congratulations

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"Let me through!" Xavier growled.

The Shadowhunters flinched but didn't lower their weapons. The demon's eyes sparked red, snarling. A loud voice made the features vanish.

"Hey!" The Lightwood easily pushed through the Shadowhunters, grasping Xavier's wrist. "He's with me." Xavier's eyes were drawn to the bandage on Alec's arm, giving him a taste of what Alec felt when he saw his wrists. "What are you doing here, they would've killed you!"

"Clary called me about the Forsaken attack. She said you were hurt, now I know she was at least telling the truth."

"I appreciate the concern, Xavier, but I'm fine."

"You forget what I am," Xavier growled. "I could feel your pain before I even got here." Alec didn't reply, leading him down the hallway. "Do you even have healers here?" The demon scowled at the badly dressed wound. "Could you please let me help you?"

"Will it stop you from fussing?"

Xavier rolled his eyes as he was pulled into what he assumed was Alec's room. He pushed the taller boy onto the bed, carefully unwrapping the bandage. His demonic energy fed on Alec's pain, earning a small sigh of relief. Xavier looked at him quickly, before handing him his stele. The Shadowhunter gave him a confused look.

"I don't know which one heals." Xavier deadpanned.

Alec lifted his shirt up, activating a rune with the stele. Xavier rested his hand over the gash, releasing his energy into it.


Xavier drew away, tilting his head at the woman in the doorway. He clicked his tongue and narrowed his eyes.

"I don't know you."

"Neither do I," She responded quickly.

"Fortunately for me, I love introducing myself," Xavier stood up, flashing his red eyes. "Xavier Bane, half-brother of Magnus Bane." He took a threatening step towards her, glaring.

"Lydia Branwell," She replied, unfazed. "Alec's fiancee."

Xavier paused, mouth open as if to speak, but nothing came out. It wasn't long before he felt his eyes stinging. A sharp breath was drawn out of him and just like that, he was reduced to stammering.

"Alec?" He muttered. "Since when were you engaged?"

"Since last night," Alec told him, voice low.

Xavier turned around to face him. Alec was surprised to see tears in his eyes. A fake smile propped up one corner of his mouth. "Congratulations." Xavier stormed out of Alec's room, running into Isabelle as he made for the exit. His eyes glowed red and black scales made themselves present.

"Xavier? What happened?"

The boy had clenched fists, trying to speak but only a strangled noise escaped the lump in his throat. Isabelle moved closer as she saw a tear fall onto his cheek. Xavier stepped back, continuing to the door before his vision blurred too much to see where he was going.


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