2 | Raising Hell

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"Clarissa?" He murmured in wonder.

The girl looked straight at him, answering his question. He stumbled as Magnus pulled him into the portal, but something had grasped his free hand. He was pulled back and thrown onto the floor of the club. Xavier gritted his teeth as a seraph blade was placed at his throat. The unfamiliar shadowhunter stood over him, with blonde hair similar to his own.

"Knock it off, Jace."

Xavier watched in confusion as the man called Jace was pushed away and Alec stood over him instead. He took the offered hand, letting Alec pull him up. Jace glared at his parabatai, but his eyes soon fell to the blonde beside him.

"Thanks, gorgeous," Xavier muttered quietly.

Alec turned his head to look at the boy, who had gone pale in the situation. Jace stepped towards Xavier, angry. Xavier took a step back, anxious and unsettled.

"Who are you? Why were you with Magnus Bane?"

Xavier tilted his head and shifted closer to Alec, who nudged him.

"My name is Xavier," He told them hesitantly. He spied another girl, lingering further behind the group. She bore a resemblance to the shadowhunter beside Xavier. "Magnus is my brother, of sorts."

"You look nothing like-"

"Of sorts." He emphasized, cutting Clary off. Jace closed the distance with a few steps, glaring down at Xavier.

"You know where he is?"

"Yeah," He taunted. Jace grabbed the collar of his jacket, pushing him against the wall. "Sorry," Xavier growled. "I'm into brunettes."

"Take us to him," Jace ordered.

"No." Jace huffed, pulling the boy back and throwing him back into the wall. Xavier glared, "Do you feel better yet?"

Once again, Alec stood between them. He pushed Jace back, placing himself between them.

"That's enough Jace," Alec said firmly. He turned to Xavier, "Do you have anything of his?"

Xavier fixed his collar, glare melting away under Alec's stare. He pulled a ring off his finger, holding it out to him. Alec smiled, making Xavier huff and cross his arms. Alec pulled Jace to the middle of the room, clasping both their hands around the jewelry.

"What are they doing?" Clary asked.

"Parabatai tracking."

Xavier watched as Alec and Jace stared into each other's eyes.

"This whole parabatai thing seems oddly intimate if you ask me."

Xavier agreed. He scowled, shooting forward to interrupt them. Xavier snatched the ring away, glaring at Jace.

"I changed my mind," He growled, taking Alec's hand. "I'll take you to him."

Xavier kept his tight grip as he stormed out of the club. The sister laughed, while Alec was more confused than angry at the blonde's antics.

"Can't you just make a portal?"

"Who said I could make portals?" Xavier scoffed.


"Magnus lives in a warehouse?"

"Not exactly, warlock glamour."

Xavier couldn't help feeling that something was off. Drawing closer to his own home, he was still unsettled. Alec paid little attention to the boy until he gasped.

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