12 | In Mourning

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Xavier stumbled through the portal, sluggish and numb. It was bliss compared to the usual pain, but he felt useless and weak. Valentine shoved him to his knees, and that was where he stayed. He couldn't protect himself, he had no use out on the streets. Perhaps Valentine thought of him as a trophy, a beast he had tamed.

He quickly lost track of time, tuning out the meaningless words Valentine spouted. But the window of the shop before them broke, glass flying across the street. Jace and a woman were at the center of it. A vampire- Xavier could sense the demon taint in her. She ran towards Valentine before she caught sight of the demon at his heel. She whirled around to face Jace, who had a stake ready. "You're feeding on innocent mundanes."

"A girl's gotta eat."

Xavier lifted his head, watching Jace's face twist in anger. But while his vision blurred, his hearing dropped completely, a warning. He began to hear footsteps, weighed down by something heavy. Xavier dragged himself to his feet, eyes scanning the street. As his back was turned, the demon heard the click of a weapon being loaded. Xavier spun on his heels, finding a fiery-haired woman with a loaded crossbow. And it was aimed at Jace's heart. Xavier grabbed his arm pulling him out of the way. The crossbow followed, a bolt loosed a moment too late. Xavier gasped, the force throwing him to the ground. He writhed in pain as it flared through his body. Jace stared in shock as his friend was sent to the ground. The shadowhunter watched as Valentine pulled out a stele and traced over the rune on his chest.

The demon began to scream, the rune burning through his corrupt blood. Valentine grasped his alleged son and pulled him through the portal. The glowing gateway vanished and Xavier's eyes rolled into the back of his head.


Alec approached the figure propped up against the wall, losing his grip on the bow in his hands. Tears stung his eyes, a shuddering gasp escaping his throat. He dropped to his knees and raised a hand to touch the demon's face. The figure flinched, eyes opening slightly. They were pitch black. But Alec let out a breath of relief, cupping Xavier's cheek. He leaned into Alec's palm.

"Hey, gorgeous," Alec whispered. Xavier smiled, taking in a ragged breath.

Alec's eyes fell to his chest, where he could see the edge of a tattoo. He knew that Xavier didn't have any tattoos or markings and it was the only place he was bare of scales. Alec pulled the thin fabric of his shirt away, exhaling shakily. Burned into the flesh on his chest was the angelic power rune, given as initiation for shadowhunters. Alec choked down a sob, staring at the boy with frightened eyes. "It hurts, Alec."

Alec nodded, "I know."

"I was... scared." He whispered, throat hoarse. "I didn't want to be alone."


"I promise, I'll come back," Xavier muttered. "I love you."

Tears slid down Alec's cheeks, dripping off his chin. "I love you too," His voice cracked. He pulled him into his arms. Xavier closed his eyes, listening to Alec's heartbeat. The archer held him tightly, listening as Xavier exhaled for the last time. Alec stayed silent, hoping with all his heart that he would hear another breath.


Isabelle stood only a few meters away, staring in shock at the body in Alec's grasp. Alec couldn't bring himself to respond. Xavier's weight was lifted from his arms, body disintegrating into orange embers. Soon, he was holding only thin air. He clenched his fists, gasping. Izzy clasped a hand over her mouth to muffle her sobs.

"A demon," Jocelyn concluded.

Alec whirled, hearing the malice in her voice. He stepped towards her, eyes ablaze.

"Don't you dare say that again," Alec warned her. His voice was dangerously low and the pain in his heart urging him to do something reckless.

Jocelyn narrowed her eyes at the boy. "I saw it die, it was a demon."

Alec's hands were at her neck in an instant. "I saw him die too!" He yelled. "I held the man I loved in my arms as he died!" Alec roared.

Jocelyn didn't flinch, waiting for the young shadowhunter to tighten his hold. But his grip on her remained loose enough to just be threatening. The look in his eyes showed he was unpredictable. "Never, talk about him like that again."

Alec released her, picking up his bow as he walked away. Izzy followed closely behind him, grasping her brother's hand as reassurance. Alec squeezed her hand and shuddered as he was overwhelmed with heartbreak.


Kohl woke with a gasp. He stumbled to his feet, expecting to feel the usual rush of blood. He soon understood why he didn't. He shuddered in horror at the red-tinted sky. The heat contrasted heavily with the cold of the night. Winged demons took to the sky, piercing cries announcing his arrival.

His horrors had become reality. His fear of death justified by the hell he found himself in. Kohl looked down at his arms, now covered by the black scales. Hesitantly, he reached up to touch his face. The demon took in a shaky breath, the remnants of a name on his tongue.


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