11 | Harrowed

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Kohl let out a ragged breath, claws digging into the palms of his hands, it distracted him from the dull ache of the gash on his back. The grey haze over his vision did nothing to his metal surroundings. He heard only the shuffles of tired feet, moans of beaten experiments. But beneath it all a pulse. Kohl felt it like a second heartbeat.

Little Jonathan approached the cage, silent. "Kohl?"

"You should be-" Kohl hesitated, struggling with the foreign words on his tongue, "away."

"I know. I wanted to see you."

Kohl blinked slowly, eyes drooping. "Alright, Jonathan." The child smiled, sitting down outside the cage. Kohl reached through the cage, extending a hand. Jonathan peered at the scaled talons curiously. Slowly, he reached out a touched the demon's hand. He let out a small gasp but soon giggled. Kohl felt a jolt of energy run through his arm, like a volt of electricity aiming for his heart. When it hit its target, Kohl jerked. He breathed heavily, expression wide and fearful. "Go, go now." Kohl hissed.

Jonathan Christopher leaped to his feet, hurrying to the door. He sent one last small smile to the demon before the door closed and the child was gone. Kohl let out a breath of relief, even as Valentine Morgenstern entered the room.


"I don't believe you." Xavier hissed.

Jace stared at him blankly. "It's true Xavier."

The demon glared at the ground but turned to the Shadowhunter. "Trust me, Jace, if there was demon blood in you I would know. If it was mine I would feel it."

"Xavier, I am Jonathon-"

"You don't have demon blood!" Xavier screamed. "He wants you to believe you are a monster, that's why he lied to you! I formed a bond with Jonathan, he had my demon blood. You don't!"

Jace frowned, stepping away from the demon. Xavier snarled, jerking his head clear of the grey haze. He knew his eyes were black like they always used to be. This is what he was scared of the most. Not Valentine, not the Circle. Not even death. It was people he cared about forgetting what he is. Jace saw him as human and that was how he treated Xavier. Then he showed his true nature and they ran.

The haze returned, leaving Xavier confused and anxious. "Calm down," Jace told him.

"I am," Xavier replied softly. "It won't go away." The demon grabbed Jace's arm and pulled him closer. "Don't believe him, Jace. You are no monster."

Jace's eyes flicked down from his face, "What is that?"

"What is what?" Xavier hissed. Jace grabbed his shirt, pulling it away from the burn mark on his skin. Xavier quickly pushed him away, covering the rune. But the damage was done.

The Shadowhunter's expression turned into a glare. "Valentine." He scowled. "You should be dead, or insane."

Xavier swallowed thickly, chest falling with his sigh. "Angel blood."


Kohl lay quietly in his cage, scratching grime off the bars. He could feel Jonathan's heart speed up. He wondered if the child had caught sight of a butterfly in the woods, outside the cabin he called home. His lips twitched at the thought, eyes closing.

He jerked up as he felt a burning at his feet. It felt as if flames were licking at his legs. He touched his calves, confused when he felt no heat or burns. Suddenly the answer clicked inside his head. His second pulse was beating rapidly, not in excitement but fear. Kohl stood suddenly, throwing himself at the bars.

"Jonathan!" Kohl yelled. He focused on the noises around him. Kohl heard the faint hiss of flames and the beginning of a child's scream. The invisible flames soon reached the tips of his fingers, where blisters would've formed. "JONATHAN!"

Then all at once, the heat and pain were gone. Kohl gasped, clutching his chest. For the first time in years, he heard only his heartbeat. Rage burned through him. So he let his demonic instincts take over. He aimed his head to the sky, letting out a piercing cry. 


A seraph blade was driven through his ribs. Xavier wished he could say that he was used to the countermeasure. Slow his brain, slow his heart. That is what impalement does to the demon experiment.

"Hold him still."

These words made Xavier only want to struggle harder. But he didn't have the energy, not anymore. He hadn't seen Jace for too long, Xavier wondered if he'd managed to escape. Although Valentine would be a whole lot angrier if he had. 

When the syringe met the skin of his neck, Xavier felt fear. Fear, anger, sadness, pain, longing, loss. A few seconds passed and Xavier began to lose his grip. On the emotions, the fear, and pain. It felt like bliss, until the heartwrenching moment when it all vanished. 

His lips parted as if for breath but found his voice with the intention to speak.


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