4 | Reputation

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Xavier shuddered, waking in a cold sweat. He heard a soft groan beside him when he tried to move. The demon stilled immediately, opening his eyes. Alec had an arm wrapped around his waist and his head tucked into the crook of his neck. Xavier bit the inside of his cheek, untangling his fingers from the mess of brown hair. He never thought that the assumption of 'demons dig blondes' could be so wrong.

Xavier carefully unwrapped himself from the Shadowhunter, eyeing the glasses left on the table in front of the couch. He picked them up, careful so they didn't make any noise. He took them into the next room, slightly panicked. Xavier was still dressed in yesterday's clothes, not that it calmed him any. Xavier threw the old shirt on the floor, buttoning up a fresh one. He could practically hear the lecture Magnus would give him later. Returning to the living area, he saw Alec sitting up. Xavier swallowed his nerves, smiling.

"Morning, gorgeous."

"Did I fall asleep?"

"We both did," Xavier replied.

Alec stood up quickly, stepping away from the demon. "Nothing happened, Alexander. You have my word."

"I trust you." He rubbed his temples and Xavier bit the inside of his lip.

"Perhaps liquor wasn't a great idea." He admitted.

"What time is it, I have to get back to the institute." Alec insisted.

Xavier strode over to where he stood, hoping to keep his presence, if not moment longer. "I'm sure you know demons aren't allowed in the institute. Stay for breakfast?"

"No," Alec refused immediately. Xavier was taken aback, but wouldn't argue. "I'm sorry."

The demon smiled half-heartedly. "You're more than just a pretty face, you know?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Alec asked pointedly.

"I mean," Xavier started, "In my time on earth, I've never met a Shadowhunter willing to help a demon. Even for their friend's sake."

"Luke isn't my friend. He's Clary Fairchild's."

Xavier aimed his eyes skyward, chuckling. "Still. Alexander, I'm not used to people accepting what I am and... staying anyways." Alec's eyes softened, matching the demon's expression. "Whatever we have, I don't want to ruin it."

"Whatever we have?"

"I thought it was obvious," Xavier chuckled, clearing his throat. "I like you, a lot." At the brunette's expression, he immediately backtracked. "And I know what you said last night so there's no rush or anything-"

Alec put a hand on his shoulder, chuckling. "You're blushing."

Xavier batted his hand away, huffing. "Just go, the Institute will burn down without you."


Xavier raised an eyebrow as Clary came marching into the Institute. Jace was hot on her heels. The demon's eyes narrowed at the other blonde, guessing that the distraught look in her eyes had something to do with him. Xavier hopped down from his seat on the table, approaching her warily.

"Is everything alright?" Xavier asked sincerely. Clary reached into her satchel and pulled out a glowing goblet. He jumped away, snarling. "Keep that fucking thing away from me!"

Clarissa held it close to her, startled by his reaction. Xavier sighed, muttering apologies. "What's going on?" Alec asked, walking up to Xavier.

"I'm not sure if you knew, but I am a demon." He drawled sarcastically.

"Funnily enough, I have been picking up those vibes." Alec played along, slightly confused.

"Yeah, well that cup happens to control demons. So I'd appreciate it if it stayed far, far away from me."

Jace scoffed, "Scared of the mortal cup?"

"Should I be surprised you don't listen to a word I say? No, am I? Maybe a little." Xavier clenched his fists, knowing that another growl or snarl would only give Jace more ammunition. "Last time it was used on me, things didn't go so well."

"You've been controlled by the mortal cup?" Alec asked, gently touching Xavier's arm.

"Valentine got tired of doing all the work, so he made me torture myself." Xavier cursed, "It's not a fun story so can we please drop it?"

Alec nodded, pulling his hand back. The warmth left his skin and Xavier wanted to grab his hand, even for his own selfish reasons. But their conversation was enough that the lonely demon could take a little cold for Alec's reputation.


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