6 | Downworlders

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Curled up on his bed, Magnus tried to console the demon. Xavier had barely spoken since Magnus found him. Bleeding and surrounded by black scales.

"It hurt less when Valentine was experimenting on me." He said finally.

"Don't say that-"

"Would you rather I explain how much pain I'm in now?"

"If it means getting it off your chest, I'm all ears."

Xavier shook his head, rolling over so he was facing the wall.


The warlock sucked in a breath, turning to face the guest. "You shouldn't be here."

"You didn't answer the door, so I let myself in," Alec explained, looking over Magnus's shoulder. "Xavier?" 

The Lightwood pushed past Magnus, looking over Xavier. The boy didn't move, not even flinching when Alec touched his arm. His fingers came away coated with blood. The Shadowhunter stared wide-eyed at Magnus, who simply sighed.

"I've loved many people, men, and women. But Xavier, there he is an innocent."

"Should we talk somewhere else?"

"To be honest, I'm not even sure if he's listening," Magnus admitted. "But back to what I said. Xavier has never been in love. I'm scared this will destroy him."

"What do you mean?"

"He told me of your engagement, shortly before he started ripping off his own scales. This is how he's dealing with it."

Xavier shifted slightly, a wisp of smoke curling in the air. It felt like someone had a firm grip on his heart and with every word that left Alec's mouth, the grip tightened.

"I'm sorry, Xavier."

"Do you love her?" Xavier asked, weakly.

Alec didn't answer. After waiting a moment the boy sighed and closed his eyes again, hands curled into fists.

"Maybe we should talk somewhere else." Magnus interrupted.

The Shadowhunter nodded, following him into the living area. But before either could speak, the door swung open again.

"Does anyone have manners anymore?"

"Izzy? What are you-"

"Shut up, Alec." She snapped. "I need Xavier."

Deciding not to ask questions, Magnus pointed the direction to his room. Isabelle hurried to open the door, throwing herself at the demon. Xavier sat up in time to avoid being smothered and returned the embrace. After the quick hug, Izzy turned to rummage through his draws, pulling out clean clothes.

"Get dressed and get rid of the blood," Izzy ordered.

Xavier did what she said, but wanted to use his powers to change. The woman jumped slightly when she turned back to him and he was already dressed. He simply blinked, "What's going on?"

"I'll explain, just not here." Izzy grabbed him by the arm, pulling him out of the room. Xavier avoided eye contact with Alec. "I'm borrowing him."


"How did you manage this, exactly?"

Xavier was impressed by the amassed group of werewolves and vampires. There was the occasional hiss or growl but, other than that, they were surprisingly passive. Raphael sent him and smirk, and Lucian offered a grateful smile. Xavier was glad he hadn't forgotten what he owed.

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