10 | Morning Star

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Xavier frowned, swiping a thick layer of dust from the spine of an ancient book. He wiped it off on his jeans, shoving his hands in the pockets. Just the sight of Camille made him angry, but luckily Alec had joined the mission as well. He was able to tell when Xavier was close to a snarky remark, gently touching his arm with a 'don't you dare' look. Magnus was only returning the favor when he treated Xavier's heartbreak. The demon only went about it in a slightly different way: with a wooden stake and holy water.

Bad things always seemed to happen with Alec too far away. He brushed a hand down a velvet curtain, mind blank. He snapped back into reality when three men came into view. He tilted his head, recognizing the matching runes at the base of their necks. Xavier summoned his dagger, letting the group advance on him. He grabbed the wrist of the first man to attack, slashing at his chest. Another turned his sword, hoping to hit him with the pommel. Xavier stabbed his stomach, pulling his weapon back and attacking the first again. Back and forth, the pair attacked, while the other watched. Xavier guessed that he was learning his movements. Finally, the man slipped up and left his throat unguarded. Xavier took the opportunity to strike, cutting into the rogue Shadowhunter's neck. With two down, he spun to deal with the last.

The silver rope in his hands went unnoticed.


The shadowhunters in the other room held still before the Circle members, seraph blades at their throats. Alec glared at the sick grin on Valentine's face. Though the expression faded quickly as a scream reached his ears. The archer went pale, struggling against his captor.

Xavier was dragged out, thrashing against a silver cord. It was electrum, wrapped around the demon's throat like a metal noose. Blood seeped from beneath the wire, almost black in color. 

Alec yelled his name, blood appearing on his own throat as he tried to break free. He could see the fear, the desperation in his eyes as he caught sight of Valentine. It was something Alec never wanted to see again. The Circle members held him still as Valentine kneeled down to whisper to Xavier. His eyes flitted to Alec, before returning to the man.

"Don't you dare," He growled, voice hoarse. "Do not fucking touch him!" Xavier yelled. The cord tightened, making Xavier yelp in pain. The demon was pulled to his feet and hauled towards the portal. Jace looked at Xavier with wide eyes.




Xavier's heart seized with panic as he appeared on what appeared to be a freight ship. Jace looked as bewildered as he felt, but not nearly as scared. Almost immediately, Xavier was being towed away. He had no energy left to fight, the electrum poisoning his body and mind. The men dragging him showed no mercy, throwing him into a cage and locking the door. Xavier reached out, tentatively touching the bars. He drew back quickly, they were laced with electrum. The demon shuffled to the middle of the cage, curling in on himself. He had returned, just like Valentine said he would.


The demon lifted his head, smiling weakly at the small child, "Hello."

The little boy sat down in front of the metal cage, passing an object through the bars. A children's book, with doodles covering most of the pages. Kohl turned to the last page they had read together.

The fair-haired child poked his arm into the cage and pointed at the words. The child spoke first, then the demon repeated what he said. The words were strange symbols to him, just like his own language would be to the small child. But nevertheless, Kohl read the symbols, trying not to think about his demon blood in young Jonathan Christopher's veins.

Cold water forced Xavier out of his reverie. He spat through the bars, breathing heavily. A sinister laugh sent chills down his spine and gave him flashes of memories he wanted to forget. Clammy hands grabbed at Xavier, pulling him from the cage. A rope was wrapped around his wrists, fortunately without electrum. The small relief was quickly washed away and Xavier was met with a fist to the jaw. The demon would've staggered but the ropes and whatever they were bound to keep him from moving. Valentine stepped away as his lackeys continued their beating, blood spilling from Xavier's mouth.

The demon saw the familiar glow of Shadowhunter blades only a moment before he felt them. They made jagged cuts on his skin, burning with every second that passed. Xavier gritted his teeth, hissing. Soon, the strikes ceased and he opened his eyes.

"It's so good to see you again, Kohl."

Valentine held Xavier by the neck, a syringe in hand. He blinked and the needle was in his flesh, a poison flooding his bloodstream. Xavier's body tensed, awaiting the burning fire. But it never came. Instead, Xavier felt his eyelids growing heavy. Valentine put down the empty syringe, trading it for a stele

"No, please, no-" Xavier's breathing quickened, jerking with panic. He was quickly restrained and held still as the pointed edge touched his skin. Tormented screams joined the sound of searing flesh.


When Xavier woke, his hands automatically reached up to his chest. He gasped and wretched, bile rising in his throat as he touched the seared skin.

"Angel blood."

Xavier stared wide-eyed at the man outside his pitiful cage. 

"Not enough to interfere with the effects of electrum, however." He gripped his head, screaming at the pain that washed over him. Valentine sighed, sparing an annoyed glance. "Not enough to affect demonic transformations."

Xavier choked out each breath, brain filled with panic. "Enough for you to survive being runed." He continued, "Enough for you to survive, for now."

He snapped a notebook shut and Xavier flinched in response. "What did you do to me?"

Valentine chuckled darkly, "You were a pitiful being when I summoned you. Now, you can be my weapon."

Xavier had clenched fists and blurry vision. Valentine knelt down to the demon's level. 

"The next time you see your precious Shadowhunter," He began a small smile on his face. "You won't remember his name."

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