8 | Holy Matrimony

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Kohl woke in unfamiliar ground. A sun shone through of a wall of colored glass, the sky blue instead of red. He lay in the clothes of a mundane but in a room marked with Nephilim runes. He considered ripping the fabric off, but it was all that protected him from the cold of this world. He heard nothing from outside the room, not even by the cracks of the door. He pushed it open, uncaring of whatever he interrupted. The area was littered with Nephilim technology, screens showing things he didn't waste time trying to comprehend. The room was deserted. The demon didn't understand why he was being ignored.

He turned back into the room, closing the door behind him, focusing on where he woke up. The bed held messy sheets and bedside table with a piece of paper on it. His fingers brushed the wood as he picked up the note. Kohl wrinkled his nose, unable to read the symbols written on it. 

He ran a hand through the messy white hair on his head, cursing at the unfairness of his situation. Kohl smoothed out his clothes and left the room. He used his naturally enhanced senses to listen for voices. Eventually, Kohl scouted out the room where he guessed the Nephilim had gathered. He threw open the double doors, entering with a scowl on his face. The expression faded when he realized what he had interrupted.

Xavier took in a deep breath, his mind scattered. Alec stared at him from his place at the altar, lips parted in surprise. Instead of following his instinct to run, Xavier kept walking. A familiar face met him, Maryse Lightwood. "Kohl, you should be dead-" She hissed, fear in her eyes.

Xavier's eyes narrowed at the woman, who watched him be tortured without a hint of remorse or guilt.

"I'm not here for revenge, I'll leave if your son tells me to."

Maryse stood still in shock as the demon paused, keeping eye contact with Alexander Lightwood. He watched as Lydia spoke to him, a supportive smile on her face. Alec turned to Xavier, as did the seated crowd. Isabelle smiled widely, as Alec took the first steps from the altar. He continued toward Xavier, who raised his head in a hopefully confident posture.

"Alec, what are you doing-"

"Enough." He cut her off. Xavier wanted to smirk at the woman's expression. But Alec had already grabbed his collar and pulled him into a kiss. The blonde responded immediately, tilting his head. He opened his eyes as Alec drew back, savoring the soft smile he saw. Not a second passed before they locked lips again. Jace grinned, shaking his head slowly while Clary and Simon smiled.

When they finally drew apart, Xavier had his head ducked and cheeks flushed pink. "You better not apologize this time."

"What did I just do?" 


"What have you done, Alec? To us? This family?"

The congratulations Alec and Xavier received was easily outweighed by the swirling rage that was Maryse Lightwood.

"This isn't about you."

"Of course it is. You are either being selfish or naive. This wedding was your plan from the start. And now you have humiliated us in front of the most respected members of the Clave. I don't even recognize you anymore."

Xavier scoffed, stepping forward to give her a piece of his mind. Alec held out an arm to stop him and earned a glare.

"I'm the same person I've always been. Now everything's just out in the open."

"And all for a demon experiment." She narrowed her eyes at the blonde.

"Should've killed me when you had the chance." He murmured, too quiet for anyone else to hear. "I asked you to."

Maryse looked across at him, expression turned to one of regret. "I know." With that said, she turned and left.

"Just give her time." Robert Lightwood told his eldest son. Alec stood a little taller as if bracing for another verbal attack.

"And you?"

"I don't really understand this." He admitted. "But I suppose our world is changing. How long has this been going on? Are you two in love?"

"Love? What, no." Alec stammered, stumbling over his words. Xavier decided to come to his rescue. He took the Shadowhunter's hand, sighing softly. Alec calmed down slightly.

"Right." Alec's father nodded, wary eyes on the demon. He murmured a few words in a language Alec didn't understand. But Xavier did, his eyes brightening and a small smile appearing.

"I'm better, thank you."

The man looked surprised that he responded. "You can speak now, Kohl?" Robert asked.

Xavier lowered his eyes, "Yes, but that isn't my name anymore. I call myself Xavier now." Alec looked at him, obviously confused. Xavier was hesitant, but his desire to know overthrew his caution. "Did he ever tell you, what he did to me? The serums?"

"He confided only in paper, even Jocelyn had no idea about you. I know that he collected Downworlder blood, however, he never told anyone what it was for." Xavier nodded, disappointed. Robert put a hand on the demon's shoulder, making him flinch. "I'm sorry."

Xavier nodded, solemn.


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