9 | Amity

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Alec walked with Xavier through the institute halls, a silence hanging between them.

"Your name used to be Kohl?" Alec asked tentatively. Xavier simply nodded, hands itching to grab at the dull scales under his sleeve. "My parents knew you?"

"When Valentine held me prisoner, was the same time as the Uprising. Your father helped capture me, your mother caught me escaping and, let me go. Clary's brother. His name was Jonathan Christopher," Xavier paused, swallowing. "He taught me to read and speak."

"And Magnus?"

"He found me on a pier, formless. Looking like the monster I was when I was first summoned. Brought me back to his house and at my request, gave me a shape." He chuckled sadly at Alec's confused expression. "This isn't my body, gorgeous. It's simply the one I got."

The brunette's eyebrows knitted together, "Why change your name?" At this, Xavier paused. "You don't have to answer."

"No, I do. I changed my name because it reminded me of Edom. There are no people there, no friends, no family. Just power on top of power. And my scales, I guess glamour can't hide everything." Xavier pulled up his sleeve, wincing at the scabbed flesh from where he ripped away the offending memories. "I don't know. I thought maybe I could get rid of them."

Alec grasped his hand, earning a startled gasp. "Please, don't do this to yourself."

"It- It doesn't hurt," Xavier stammered.

"It hurts me," Alec murmured quietly. "Okay?" Xavier nodded, cheeks pink. Alec smiled and kissed the back of his hand gently. "They're a part of you, just like your eyes, just like everything else I haven't seen." He continued. Xavier held his gaze, eyes widened in surprise. "I don't care that you're different. You don't have to hide them from me."

Xavier stared down at the floor, breathing heavily. He shook his head with a small smile and looked up. "You're the first person to say that to me."

Alec grinned, "Sorry you had to wait so long." Xavier rolled his eyes, grasping the front of Alec's jacket and pulling him into a kiss. Alec stumbled, grasping the other boy's waist. Both were still smiling when they broke apart. Alec sighed softly, "We should check on Lydia."

Xavier groaned and moved away. Alec chuckled, pulling him back. "I know you don't like her, but she did a good thing for us back there."

"Fine, I guess we do owe her."

Alec chuckled at the demon's sour face, taking his hand. Xavier glared at nothing in particular, sticking close to his Shadowhunter's side.


Extra scenes will be marked to avoid confusion, hope you enjoy.

- Eden

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