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Bloodlines | Alec Lightwood [ 2 ]


Kohl felt an intense fire in his veins, but with it came no pain. He felt powerful, his head exploding with unthought thoughts. He looked at the cracked ground, grinning as a pattern formed at his feet. The demon grinned, closing his eyes as his predator mind took over.

The cold hit him instantly. With his eyes opened, he was caught off guard by the lack of light. He took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air. Leaves and the faint scent of exhaust fumes. His maniacal grin never faded, even as he saw the one who had summoned him.

He felt a familiar tug on his heart. A pull he lost years ago. When the cause was sent to Edom for being 'too demonic'. That's what happens when you play with bloodlines. He extended a hand to the grown-up boy. Jonathan smiled, a strange look in his eyes. He met Kohl halfway and they grasped each other tightly. In a split second, they were reunited. The second heartbeat resumed its steady pace, adjacent to Kohl's heart.

It was clear Jonathan felt it too, though his reaction was slightly different. The burned and scarred creature pulled Kohl into an embrace. Kohl's form changed, into the human body gifted to him. He pulled away, smile fading at the scene before him. Kohl's eyes met Jace's and for a second he was still. But then Kohl laughed, harshly even. He turned away from the shadowhunter, paying no mind to the sword at his throat. He hesitantly stepped outside of the pentagram, a sense of relief overwhelming him. He sent a bold smile at Jonathan, eyes black. 

Monsters | Alec Lightwood [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now