Bs: first meeting

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Naruto: it was a nice day outside so you decided to go for a walk. Your parents were both out, leaving you home alone. You couldn't seem to sit still. Tomorrow you would be starting at the ninja academy! You just moved here, so you didn't really know anyone.

"Aaaaaaaaah" a loud yell rang through the village. It was nearby but you didn't know exactly where. You are new after all.

Suddenly a flash of yellow danced across your eyes and you fell. A boy with yellow hair, whiskers, and a large smile landed on top of you. Your lips met. he quickly got up off of you.

"Sorry hehe" he nervously laughed and scratched the back of his head.

"Naruto!" The boy panicked and you decided to help. You used a transformation justu on him. The blonde now looked almost identical to you. A man with a leaf headband and a scar across his face stopped and panted.

"Have you seem a blonde boy run last here?" He asked out of breath. You shook your head and the man ran past you two. The jutsu was released and they boy cheered.

"Thanks! I'm Naruto Uzumaki! I'm gonna be Hokage one day, believe it!"

"I'm (y/n) and I do believe it. Nice to meet you"

Kiba: a small laugh left your mouth as a dog ran around you. You didn't know whose it was, but it ran up to you while you were sitting on a bench in the park. It was an adorable white dog, and you rather liked the small creature, so you played with it. You jumped on it, but it got away from you. As you laid on the ground and laughed as it licked your nose. You raised your hand and stroked the dog a few more times before sitting up and continuing the motion.

"Akamaru!" The dogs ears seemed to perk up. You looked at it questioningly as it yipped back at the voice.

"There you are boy, I've been looking for you! Don't run off like that!" The boy scolded. As he was scolding Akamaru you stared at him.

A hood covered his head, but you could see little pieces of brown sticking out from under it. His black eyes were shining in the light only being brought out more by the red marks on his cheeks. He had an easygoing and laid back posture. His hands were in his pockets and his head was leaned forward a bit.

Akamaru's bark snapped you out of your thoughts. You looked at him and giggled as he licked you once more. You happily pet him and hugged him.

"I'm Kiba and this is Akamaru. Sorry, he runs off sometimes when he smells something sweet. Thanks for watching him!" Kiba said happily. You blushed and looked away.

"" You stuttered and looked away. Kiba tilted his head in question. You closed your eyes as you built up your courage.

"Can I please play with Akamaru again!" You shouted. A chuckled made you open your eyes. Soon the chuckled turned in to all out laughing. You pouted looking at the boy in front of you. When he was done he wiped his tears.

"Sorry. That was just to cute. If you want you can come with us on our walk" he offered. You perked up and jumped to you feet while cheering. The three of you walked for a few hours while Kiba and you talked. You had much in common. It seems you made two new friends today!

(So I'm getting a lot of confused, albeit, funny comments about this story. Keep in mind that they are kids) Gaara: the moon was at its full glory shining down on the sand below it. You were young and hurt. Your parents were just killed by bandits and they almost got you, but you ran away before they could land the final blow. You still had cuts and bruises everywhere and you were tired beyond belief. You walked through the sand clutching your injured stomach. You saw a small light up a head and you immediately gained a bit more energy. You started to hobble quicker towards the gates. When you finally reached them you grabbed into the bar for support. You couldn't hold up your body on your own anymore.

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