BS: cooking

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Naruto: blows. Up. The. Damn. House. Every. Time. This child can't cook for shit.

Sasuke: when he's cooking it doesn't matter what he makes he always add tomatoes. Sometimes it works. Other times you end up cooking again.

Shikamaru: like everything else cooking is a drag, but when he actually gets his butt up and cooks it's like food that was sent by Kami himself.

Kiba: the only thing he can cook is meat. Apparently that's all he ate as a child for the most part. You end up cooking everything else besides meat.

Iruka: like any good husband Iruka knows how to cook. He's not the best at it and never claims to be, but he can cook well enough to keep himself alive like when he was younger.

Haku: he can take food you find in nature and make amazing dishes, but when it comes to processed food it's bad. Really bad.

Kakashi: this man pours milk before the cereal. He has no right to be in the kitchen. Ever.

Neji: you love him but when it comes to cooking he should leave it to Hinata. One time he was trying to cut and onion. He tried to slice it in half but couldn't. He activated him Byakugan then he threw the onion up in the air. He sliced it to fast for you to follow. Your eyes widened as this was the first time you have seen him cook. It was a slow process up to this point but what he did was really cool.

The onion fell back to the cutting board and held his position. His head was slightly down and his arm were out. You both waited for a second for the onion to fall in pieces...

But it didn't happen. You raised an eyebrow and began to giggle when you saw he was holding the knife backwards.

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