BS: he gets sick

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Naruto: he's the biggest baby in the world when he's sick. He'll throw fits about ramen and refuses to get out of bed. You don't mind taking care of him as long as you're allowed to hit him.

Sasuke: he trains until he drops. He refuses to believe he's sick until he physically can't move anymore. If you can't spot it before he goes to training he'll faint and Kakashi will delivers your boyfriend to your caring arms.

Kakashi: he never really gets sick, but when he does it's like the fifth ninja war is happening in his body. Even so he insists on taking care of you. He gets very affectionate when he's sick. In s weird drunk sort of way. You think it's cute until he blows snot at your face or vomits on your new dress.

Shino: is he even human? The first he's gotten sick in the time since you've known him answered that question. No. He's a robot. You love your boi Shino, but when he's sick he acts like he's perfectly fine. Until he gets home at least. Shino falls into the couch and falls asleep on the spot. He actually talks more when he's sick to. It like he's telling you how much he loves you just in case he never sees  you again. Of course the few times he got sick after the first you learned that when he's on drugs of any kind he thinks he's gonna die. Cute am I right?

Deidara: this child treats you like a freakin slave. Get me this. Get me that. You get annoyed with him, but at the end of the day he holds you and won't let you go. Suddenly you don't mind helping when he's sick (if you think about it long enough).

Lee: when Lee's sick you can do nothing else but give him medicine and when you do, let's just say its difficult to deal with him. He goes into his drunken taijutsu mode. It's an all out battle royal. You fight until he drops. Let's just say the house never survives.

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