Chapter 3

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Yujin's POV

When I'd reentered Got7's room, the guys had instantly grown curious and worried seeing my state. However, knowing me, they didn't press when I didn't feel like sharing. Bambam and Jaebum had immediately accepted my apology for failing to deliver their coffees before they were whisked on stage to perform.

That was yesterday, and today held another day of running back and forth all over the company. The pain from yesterday had subsided over night from some rest and the aloe I applied, however some areas of my skin remained tender and ached.

I had woken up late this morning, so all I could manage to throw on was a pair of leggings and a hoodie, pulling half of my hair into an updo to look like a composed human being before I had to get going. It wasn't until I was out the door of my apartment complex that I'd realized I had worn Jungkook's hoodie.

I facepalmed myself at first but ultimately shrugged it off. His cologne lingered in the fabric and wafted into my senses, which I didn't mind. It was quality cologne, which I could appreciate. And it wasn't like I was going to see the guy. I could imagine his signature smirk spreading across his face as he saw me in his hoodie, and I know I'd want nothing more than to wipe it off his smug face.

Regardless, I was now headed to Park Jinyoung's office as requested. I had just been supervising Stray Kids' new dance practice video when I got called down. Felix and Jisung had playfully "ooo"ed at my announcement that I was leaving, to which I returned with a flip of my middle finger, causing them and several other members to snigger.

I knocked on JYP's office door, swiftly entering once I heard his approval from inside. I took my seat in front of his desk, bowing my head respectfully.

"Nice to see you, Yujin." He politely greeted.

"You too, sir." I responded. "Is there something you needed from me? My schedule said I was to be with Stray Kids all day."

JYP nodded a confirmation. "Yes, it did, but I assigned someone else to them for now. I need you to do something else for me." I gave a curt nod of my head, signaling him to continue. "I have a packet of papers that needs to be delivered to Big Hit Entertainment and signed by Bang Si Hyuk, by today."

I wondered why he wanted me of all people to do it, but over time I've learned it's better not to question his ways. JYP is part of the Big 3 for a reason. I simply nodded my head while replying, "I've got it covered, sir." He smiled at that.

"I always know I can count on you, Yujin. Thank you." He opened a drawer from his desk and pulled out a large manila envelope. He slid it towards me and I picked it up before standing from my seat, dismissing myself with a bow and a farewell.


The trip to Big Hit Entertainment wasn't a long one. Pretty soon after my departure from JYP, I'd found myself already in front of the doors to the building, manila envelope tucked against my side.

After I'd received some direction to Bang PD's office from the lady up front, finding out that, thankfully, he was aware of my arriving, I set off on my way. I reached a familiar hallway, vaguely recalling the scenario from years ago in this very spot. The bench that I had forbearingly sat upon remained in its position across the door to the office. Stiffly, I knocked on the door, announcing that it was me delivering the requested papers.

I entered the room but was halted in my step at the sight of 3 chairs set up in front of Bang Si Hyuk's desk, 2 of which held occupants. I could only see the backs of their heads, but I immediately recognized my brother as one of them by his dark hair. I awkwardly shut the door behind me before bowing several times to the people in the room.

"Yujin-ah, you made it! Have a seat, please." Bang PD exclaimed with hospitality laced in his tone.

My brother sent a small smile in my direction as I took a seat beside him, and J-Hope, who sat on his other side, gave an energetic wave which I returned with a careful one. I emptied the contents of the envelope onto the desk before sliding them forward, explaining exactly what JYP had told me. Bang Si Hyuk nodded and began flipping through various pages on the packet, signing here and there. The 3 of us, me, Yoongi, and Hoseok, sat patiently and quietly as he worked.

PD-nim flipped to a particular page and folded the packet to remain on it, placing the pen he had been using on top of it before sliding it in my direction. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion when he instructed, "You need to sign here." He placed his finger on the specific line.

Politely, I asked, "I'm sorry, sir, I don't understand. Why do I need to sign anything? These are for the heads of the company. They aren't for me, I'm merely the messenger."

My brother shifted in his seat and Bang Si Hyuk tsked. "JYP didn't tell you? Aish, that guy, always leaving these things to me." The wrinkles on my face creased further as I grew increasingly more confused. What was going on? "Jinyoung and I have decided to have BTS and Got7 come together for a joint group performance again. You, along with J-Hope and Yugyeom, and of course some assistance from the rest of the boys, will be choreographing this performance on your own. You need to sign your consent on this page."

My heart stopped as my jaw dropped slightly. I glanced at my brother who held a mischievous glint in his eyes as a knowing smirk played on his lips. "H-" I stammered. "How? Why? What?"

J-Hope laughed at my flustered state and Yoongi shrugged. "I recorded you practicing one day and showed it to Bang PD-nim. He was impressed, showed JYP, and they both agreed to give you a chance."

My jaw dropped even further. Bang Si Hyuk displayed a warm smile as he explained, "You have serious talent, Yujin. Neither I nor JYP understand what you're doing working some manager position and wasting your talent."

I gulped, running a hand through my hair. "Thank you, sir, really. But I don't know if I can accept." I nervously replied. I glanced at Yoongi who was beginning to look upset.

He pulled me closer by the elbow, quietly muttering to me, "If this is about mom and dad, don't worry, I'm done standing by and allowing them to force you into what they want. It's you and me now, kid, I promise." His tone was determined and serious. "Don't let this opportunity pass you by." He coaxed.

My heart soared hearing my brother's kind and encouraging words, feeling more elated than I had in years. With a careful look at each of the room's occupants' faces, J-Hope's uplifting smile bringing out my own, I picked up the pen and signed my name, sealing my fate.


This plot is literally coming to me as I write lmao
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