Chapter 2

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Yujin's POV

Jeon fucking Jungkook, I thought bitterly.

It was easy to recognize the man who played such an important role in my brother's life. However, how I had discovered him was not due to curiosity, but because after our brief run-in 2 years ago, his rude attitude has left a sour impression on me. Once I had gotten home, I had immediately searched up the BTS members so I could match a name to the face.

And here he was, yet again, standing there on his high horse, basking in his self-importance. I was momentarily distracted from the pain of my scalded flesh, but that soon prioritized my thoughts as I bit back a whimper of pain.

I slowly sat up, glaring daggers at the rose-haired man who, since his first exclamation, had been silent as he leaned against the doorway.

I hissed at the pain against my hand as I had placed my palm on the floor to hoist myself off the ground. After a brief struggle, I stood up as prominent as possible in my aching state. "You know, some help would've been appreciated." I grumbled to the inconsiderate man.

"I don't help sasaengs." He shrugged.

My lips parted in offense. "Excuse you?" I shot at him.

His nonchalant demeanor remained as he continued, ignoring my triggered manner. "You shouldn't haven't been standing in the doorway."

My hands clenched despite the stinging it caused. "Are you seriously not going to apologize?" I was dumbfounded at how arrogant he could be. Jungkook raised his eyebrows and pulled his lips taut as if to say 'sucks to suck', propelling my fury further. "And by the way, I wasn't standing in the doorway, I was just walking by, trying to do my job. Get over yourself." I added.

He let out a chaste, humorless chuckle. "Sure, whatever you say, stalker." I nearly pounced on him then and there, and not the good kind of pounce. But again, he continued speaking. "You know, if you weren't so..." He trailed off as he gestured to my figure and the scenario in front of him. "This, you'd be kind of attractive."

His eyes lingered on my chest and I glanced down to notice that my soaked blouse was now see-through, allowing my bra to be perceived. I quickly crossed my arms over my chest, flustered as heat rose in my cheeks. The side of Jungkook's mouth curved into a smirk.

I scoffed. "Wow, am I supposed to be flattered?"

Before our banter could continue, a voice hollered from within the room. "Jungkook-ah, what's the problem?" A few seconds later, the figure popped into view from behind Jungkook and I'd never felt so relieved than in this moment.

It took my brother a second to absorb the situation, his eyes whipping from me to the forgotten emptied cups to Jungkook, but within a moment he had already pushed past Jungkook and scanned me from head to toe. "Are you okay?" His wide, worried eyes focused on my arms and I looked to see that they had taken most of the heat, my usual milky pale skin now red and agitated to the point that it looked visibly tender. His eyes blazed as his attention turned onto Jungkook while standing in front of me to obscure my transparent shirt from view. "Yah! What did you do to her?"

Jungkook stood up straight. "Hyung, she was in my way!" He defended.

"I don't care who was in who's way, look at her! Have some respect!"

Jungkook defeatedly hung his head as I watched my brother reprimand him as if he were a child. "Now go get some ice and a towel, and ask one of the stylists for a shirt."

I snickered as I watched Jungkook scamper away without any objections.

Not so tough, now, huh?

Yoongi sighed, laying a palm on my shoulder which caused me to sharply suck in a breath as some of the coffee had landed there. He immediately retracted his hand. "I'm sorry about him, he isn't usually like this."

I internally scoffed at that. I don't know how he usually acts around his Hyungs, but both instances in which I had run into him had been unpleasant. Letting out a huff, I replied, "Whatever."

"How've you been, kid? Are you here with the guys?" He wondered, referring to Got7 who was probably still waiting on me.

I nodded. "Yeah, I was supposed to be getting them coffees, but...," I glanced at the floor, then at my shirt, then back at my brother. "I got sidetracked. But I've been as good as I'll ever be I guess. How was Saipo?"

Yoongi's face brightened at the mention of the island. "Beautiful. We swam in the caverns and it was unforgettable. I have to take you there some day."

A warm smile began to form on my face at the thought. "That'd be nice, huh? I can't even remember the last time we had a family vacation.."

Our moment was interrupted by the sound of heavy steps resonating through the hall, announcing the arrival of Jungkook who had returned with several ice packs, a towel, and a blue hoodie that seemed oversized.

Once he had approached us, Yoongi took the ice packs and hoodie from him as I was handed the towel. As I was busy toweling off my body from coffee, Jungkook and Yoongi began speaking to each other.

"Took you long enough." Yoongi muttered.

"Hyung, why do you even care so much?" Jungkook grumbled.

Yoongi was silent for a second. "She was in pain and you were doing nothing about it. Someone had to care."

Jungkook wore a look of disbelief as he tutted.

"You two know I'm still here, right?" I spoke up, exchanging the now dirtied towel for the ice packs, pressing one to my arm.

Yoongi turned to look back into the room before glimpsing me once again. "I'm going to explain the situation to the guys. I'll call someone to clean up the spill. You sure you're okay?" I nodded, waving goodbye as he reentered the room.

Jungkook and I were now by ourselves again. I reached for the hoodie, but Jungkook held it away from my grasp. I crossed my arms with a frustrated exhale of air, my iconic blank stare now prominent on my face.

"You look like Yoongi-hyung when you do that." Jungkook commented as he tossed the hoodie at me with a reluctant expression. "I couldn't find any stylists so the only option was my hoodie." My eyebrows raised in awe and amusement. "Don't look too excited, I want that back at some point."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, sure. As if I'd want to keep it anyway."

I eased the hoodie over my head, pushing my arms through the sleeves and pulling it down. It reached just above mid-thigh and hung loose over my whole body. I couldn't deny that the manly musk of his cologne was a welcomed aroma as it pleasantly filled my senses.

After I fixed my hair, I looked to see why Jungkook was so quiet. It turned out that he had already been silently observing me, almost sizing me up. I fidgeted slightly under his gaze, feeling awkward, so I pressed some ice to my knee to numb the stinging pain from when I landed on it. "Thanks for the help, I guess."

I then mumbled, quieter to myself. "Wouldn't have killed you to willingly offer it sooner."

Jungkook shrugged in response.

"You know," he started, "you look good in that. I might just consider letting you keep it."

I snorted. "Don't flatter yourself."

He leaned against the wall. "I never caught your name."

"That's because I never gave it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to get back to." I finished, turning around and heading back down the hall I'd originally come from, needing some rest.

"I'll see you again, doll." He called from behind me.

I responded without turning around, the moment reminding me of our first meeting, unbeknownst to him, 2 years ago.

"Don't count on it."


I hope this isn't too slow or boring for y'all
Thanks for reading :)

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