Chapter 11

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One Week Later

Yujin's POV

I had arrived first at the JYP practice room, so I was patiently waiting for the guys to arrive. The week had passed by relatively quickly with every day consisting of packed schedules, I'd been too busy to watch the clock. I'd only had enough time to sit and relax once, thankfully in time to catch BTS' live stage performances. Man, was I proud of Yoongi, and of course the rest of the guys as well.

Eventually the door opened and in came the seven members of Got7. They all tiredly waved at me, mumbling half-hearted hello's, before flopping onto the floor. I scrunched my eyebrows in concern. I knew they'd had a long week — a long month, actually. On top of this joint performance they'd been preparing for their new comeback, and they'd seriously been overworked.

"I literally can't get up right now." Bambam groaned from the floor.

BTS soon entered the room and they didn't look any better. The usually energetic guys were quiet as they filed in, fatigue obvious on their features. Even as I'd greeted them, I'd only earned waves and nods of acknowledgment. I'd figured they would be this way, this entire week they'd performed stage after stage, and the Idol choreography was physically draining.

Everyone here looked exhausted and in no shape to practice.

I ran a hand through my hair in thought, biting my lip as I contemplated. My decision, however, was quickly made.

"Practice is cancelled for today." I announced.

Several excited whoops sounded through the room as well as some surprised but grateful expressions being thrown at me.

"Are you sure?" Jimin questioned. I nodded.

"All of you need a break, and seeing as for the next few days we'll all be on one, why not start a day early?" I arched my eyebrow. "Unless you want to practice today?"

He vigorously shook his head in refusal, causing me to laugh.

"We shouldn't waste the day, though." Namjoon spoke up, and Jaebum agreed.

I deliberated for a moment on what we could do, but a voice beat me to it. "How about we come up with a plan for us this weekend." Taehyung suggested.


"All of us are gonna go on a trip together for the long weekend." Hoseok enthusiastically explained.

"Oh," I said, now understanding, "Well go for it, guys. Hope you have fun!"

My brother heaved a burdened sigh as he added, "You're coming, too."

My eyes widened. "Wait, really?"

Jungkook scoffed, dumbfounded, "How dense are you?"

I scowled at him, sending him a glare. "You're one to talk." I retorted.

Before he could respond, Jin, once again, cut off our banter and ordered everyone to gather in a, rather large, circle. We all sat side-by-side, me being in between Yoongi and Namjoon while Jungkook was a safe distance away, diagonal from me.

Mark clapped his hands. "Okay, any ideas?"

While the guys started discussing possibilities, I felt a nudge in my side. I glanced sideways to see Yoongi with a half-smile as he whispered to me. "I had fun the other day."

I smiled in return. "Me too. It was nice spending time with you again."

"Same here, kiddo. You hold your alcohol a lot better than I expected. I'm so proud." He placed two hands over his chest and I giggled softly.

"You Mins and your high tolerance." Namjoon spoke up from my other side with a teasing smile. "You guys really are alike."

I grinned, taking it as a compliment. "Thank you."

I turned my attention back to the other men in the circle and glimpsed Jungkook sending me — and possibly Yoongi and Namjoon? — a glare. I pursed my lips and met his gaze head-on, squinting my eyes in a scowl. He seemed surprised by this and quickly averted his eyes, causing a smirk to take over my expression.

"I can't wait!" Youngjae exclaimed.

"What've we decided?" I wondered.

Bambam spoke up. "I have a loft up in the mountains that we're going to stay at, it's only a few hours from here if we drive. It's secluded, so it'll be just us, plus it's got a pool and hot tub and a bunch of other things I bought."

I raided my eyebrows, impressed. "Wow, Bam, just wow."

"Shut up." He laughed.

"So who wants to drive?"


It was now 4 in the morning, and to say I was grumpy was an understatement. When my sleep was interrupted, I was not a happy camper. I ended up being woken up to the sound of sharp knocks being endlessly delivered to my door. I stumbled out of bed and through my dark apartment before I threw open my door to a devious-looking man beside my apologetic-looking brother.

"Get your stuff and let's go." Jungkook ordered.

I rubbed my eyes tiredly. "Why are we going so early?" I directed my question at Yoongi, ignoring Jungkook, as I left them at the door to gather my things. By the sound of my door shutting, I assumed they'd entered the apartment.

"It's a 6 hour drive but we still have to pick up some things and the guys wanted to get there by noon. To swim and whatnot." Yoongi explained.

"Gotcha." I yelled from inside my room.

"This is her place?" I heard Jungkook wonder in astonishment. I rolled my eyes and continued packing. Sure, it was small, but so was I and I lived alone. I found my apartment to be rather cozy.

I was searching for a swim suit to pack when my eyes spotted a strappy light blue bikini that I haven't gotten the chance to wear yet. I grabbed it from the drawer and stood, yelping and jumping at the sound of someone clearing their throat behind me. I turned around and felt my ears burn, my cheeks soon to follow, at the situation.

"You have good taste, doll. You should've packed this." Jungkook's low voice startled me, as did what was loosely hanging off of his finger.

A certain pair of red lace underwear I had bought on a whim one day. And not a particularly modest one.

His dark eyes held amusement, mischief, and something more that I couldn't decipher.

I stomped towards him and ripped it out of his grip, ignoring the smug look on his face as I shoved him out of my room and slammed the door. "Privacy, you asshole, privacy!"

I could hear his chuckles through the door.

"Definitely pack that bikini, too."


I hope this book isn't slow or boring to you guys, thanks for sticking around 💓
I guess it's Army Selca Day according to twitter...

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