Yujin's POV
"I didn't know dates included this much walking, otherwise my ass would've stayed in bed." I whined as Jungkook had to drag me up the countless flights of stairs.
He laughed ahead of me. "I'm sorry, babe, but this was a spontaneous idea so I didn't think to bring my key card with me. Otherwise, we could've taken the elevator most of the way."
I huffed, focusing my breath and energy on trudging up the stairs rather than complaining further. For the second part of our "date", Jungkook brought us to yet another romantic spot.
Bit Hit Entertainment.
It was nearing 2 A.M. now, and rather than bundling up under my thick blankets in bed, I was climbing what I believed to be the 7th flight of stairs now. I had no clue what Jungkook was planning, only that we needed to reach the very top of the company.
I collided into Jungkook's body as I'd distractedly stepped forward, not taking notice to the fact that he'd stopped since we finally reached our destination. I took a seat on the floor for a moment. "Finally." I breathed out.
Jungkook simply chuckled as he punched a code into a key-pad, earning a high-pitched beep before the door unlocked and a cold breeze hit me. I instantly stood, following the secretive boy who'd held the door open for me.
I took in the vast view before me. Seoul was as alive as ever in the depths of the night, with streetlights illuminating the dark streets and towering buildings adding to the expanse of the city skyline. Despite the amount of light shining from down below, the stars were still able to glitter against the midnight sky. I let out an awed breath as I beheld the breathtaking view from atop Big Hit Entertainment, leaning into Jungkook's side as he'd stood beside me.
"Why'd you bring us here?" I wondered in a daze.
Jungkook clasped my hand and tugged me onward. "This is only part of what I want to show you."
We rounded a large roof mechanism, taking a few more steps before coming across a worn-looking couch. Jungkook disappeared for a moment, reappearing with a duffel bag strewn over his shoulder and a giddy smile plastered across his face.
Jungkook sat us on the couch that overlooked the beauty of Seoul, opening the bag only to pull out a heavy quilt. I giggled as he tucked one end under me snugly before covering his lower half as well, pulling my back against his front so that he could wrap his arms around me.
"Jungkook, this is amazing and all, but can you tell me what's going on?" I murmured as we both admired the city.
Jungkook rested his chin atop my head before answering. "I figured since I practically intruded on such an intimate time of your life, I'd share a personal part of mine in return. So: welcome to my secret getaway." He pressed a kiss to my hair as I squeezed his hand.
"How long have you been coming here?" I asked.
Jungkook let out a wistful sigh. "Man, probably since my early trainee days. One day I couldn't handle everything piling on me at once and I just needed a break, so I ended up up here. Always kept a bag of essentials up here for emergencies, like tonight." I smiled even though he couldn't see it. "I never told the guys about this place; I just needed one thing to myself, as selfish as that sounds. This was my escape from things for a while."
I gently shook my head. "That isn't selfish of you, Jungkook. Everyone deserves a sense of privacy or independence. As close as you all are, even you guys need space to breathe." I reassured.
"You understand me so well." I could hear the smile on his face. "I haven't needed this place for a while, though. I was almost worried that someone found out and removed the couch on our way here." He chuckled softly.
"Well thank you for sharing this with me, Jungkook. I didn't expect something so thoughtful, but I absolutely love it." I admitted.
"Anything for you." Jungkook declared earnestly.
We were silent for a moment as we basked in the sight before us, in the comfort of each others' arms. I enjoyed the ambiance; the cool breeze not so cold that it was unbearable, Jungkook's warmth radiating against me under the blanket, the loudness of the city only a soft thrum from our elevated height. Everything was a dream.
"Can I ask you a question?" Jungkook suddenly spoke.
I nodded against his chest. "Of course."
"Why did you never perform that routine?"
I spared a glance up at him only to see his soft gaze watching me. I gulped, then, "I had planned on performing it."
"What happened?"
I took a deep breath before relaying the story of how I'd come across the competition, why I chose the genre I did, so on and so forth. It was when it came to revealing my mother's actions that I hesitated a bit. Jungkook could sense this.
"You don't have to tell me if you're uncomfortable, Yujin, I understand." He calmly comforted me.
"No, it's okay. I'm really fine now. It just sucks to remember is all." Jungkook nodded against the top of my head, but didn't speak, allowing me to continue. "When it was nearly competition day, I was practicing like any other night. My mother called me—you remember how cynical she is; said she found out about everything and called the agency behind my back to retract my spot as a contestant." I shut my eyes for a moment. "That was the moment I realized I couldn't keep forgiving her for her actions. All those years, with her putting me down and forcing me towards one career, I was able to make excuses for her and suppress my feelings. But that pushed me over the edge. I worked my blood, sweat, and tears into that performance for nothing, all because of her."
I hadn't even realized I was ranting until I finished, and Jungkook was tightening his embrace. I sat quiet and allowed the sound of his breathing, the rise and fall of his chest, to calm me down. As much as I wanted to deny it, that woman still had a lasting effect on me.
"I'm sorry she put you through so much." Jungkook finally uttered.
"It's alright, I promise I'm over it. What's done is done, and look at me now." I tilted my gaze up at him again. "Look at us."
Jungkook met my eyes and gave my lips a quick peck. At my pout, he fulfilled my want for a longer, sweeter kiss. Afterwards, I bit my lip and snuggled against his chest as he readjusted the blankets around us and our legs.
"Thank you for an amazing date." I mumbled tiredly as my eyes began to droop with fatigue. With the comfort I felt, combined with the dark setting and lull of noise, the late time finally caught up with me. Jungkook brushed small hairs out of my face and I lazily smiled against his chest.
"Thank you for being amazing."
And with that, sleep took over me.
i am so so so so sorry for the late update you would not believe the past week or 2 ive had. i need to nap for like a week straight to compensate

Noticed | JJK ✓
FanficMin Yujin did not have it easy. Being several years younger than her brother Yoongi, she was always left in his shadow growing up. While their parents supported his dive into underground rap and eventually producing and becoming an idol, they pushed...