Chapter 31

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Yujin's POV


Blinding white is what met my eyes as soon as I peeled them open, and I had to shut them for a moment before allowing them to adjust to my surroundings. The sounds of beeping and hushed voices greeted my ears, and I shifted my glance from the ceiling to myself, cloaked in a blue hospital gown and covered in a thin white blanket.

I rolled my head to the side, my eyes softening upon discovering my brother seated in the chair next to my bed, his head hanging low with his hands laced in his hair. I attempted to sit up in my bed, catching his attention in the process.

"You're awake." He exclaimed as he swiftly assisted me in sitting up, fluffing the pillow behind my head.

I nodded. "How long was I out?"

"A few hours."

"Hm." I hummed, then took another glance around the barren, sterile room. "Where's Jungkook?"

"I convinced him to make a coffee run. That guy refused to leave this room for even a second." Yoongi replied.

"Ah." I twiddled my thumbs for a moment. "What did the doctor say?"

Yoongi sighed. "They had to set your ankle in place, it was banged up pretty bad considering it took most of the fall." I gulped nervously. "You should also have some heavy bruising on your hip."

I let out a shuddering breath. "Will I still be able to-"

I was cut off by my room's door opening, followed by the entrance of Jungkook holding two styrofoam cups and a middle-aged man in a white lab coat. I perked up instantly, as did Jungkook upon seeing me awake.

"Yujin!" He handed both coffees to Yoongi and instantly dashed over to me, taking my hand. "How are you feeling? When did you wake up?"

I squeezed his hand, covering it with my free one. "Not too long ago, and I feel fine. Must be all the meds I'm on." I chuckled at the joke but Jungkook just looked worried. I sighed. "I'm okay, there's no need to worry."

"I couldn't help it." Jungkook stated sadly, and I squeezed his hand again as the doctor cleared his throat.

"You took quite the fall, Ms. Min. Thankfully, we were able to set your ankle back in place. The swelling should go down in a week or so, and I highly recommend avoiding placing pressure on it for several weeks. It'll be a while before it can return to normal use." The doctor informed.

I nodded, bowing my head. "Thank you." I took an uneasy glance at my foot before looking up again. "Will I still be able to dance, doctor?"

The doctor gave me a reassuring smile. "There shouldn't be any terminal damage. With proper caution and care, you should be able to dance in a couple months' time."

I felt disheartened at the thought of not being able to dance for such a lengthy period of time, but I was nonetheless grateful that all would turn out well eventually. "Okay, thank you so much again, doctor."

He smiled. "Of course. A nurse should be in with some crutches for you in a bit. I'll also be prescribing you some pain medication for the first week. Be sure to ice it for the first week as well before you go to sleep, or whenever you notice any swelling resurface." He then turned to Jungkook and Yoongi. "Be sure she stays off that foot."

They both nodded excessively. "Of course." "We're on it." They responded.

Silence returned once the doctor exited the room. I scooted over to leave space for Jungkook to sit on the bed, Yoongi facing us in the chair. Yoongi spoke up.

"What happened, Yujin?"

I pursed my lips, thinking back hard. "Well, the lights were off for maintenance or whatever. I was trying to get to Jungkook, and I guess I was too close to the edge of the stage, but...."

"But?" Jungkook pressed with urgency.

I hesitated for a moment, doubting my thoughts. "I think I was pushed. The last thing I remember before falling was feeling two hands shove me off the stage." Silence again. "I know, it sounds crazy. But it certainly wasn't an accident."

"Who would want to hurt you, though?" Yoongi wondered aloud.

I bit my lip, having a suspect on the tip of my tongue. I glanced at Jungkook who was analyzing my expression. His eyes were wide.

"What are you thinking?" He asked me.

I took a breath. "Well... Sooji has seemed suspicious to me from the start."

Jungkook sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Again with this?"

I furrowed my brows. "Come on, Jungkook. I told you I was getting weird vibes from her, and who else would have it out for me? She was on stage when everything went down."

"Yeah, her and about 20 other people." He reasoned.

"Okay, calm down guys." Yoongi spoke up to settle the increasing tension. I sat back in disbelief with crossed arms, looking away from him and at my older brother. "Yujin, we can check the security cams to see if they could've caught anything, though I'm not gonna promise anything because the lights were off." I nodded and he looked between Jungkook and I. "In the mean time, you're going to rest at home."

I sat up again. "What? No! I need to be there for you guys, this performance is as important to me as it is to you, probably more!"

Yoongi heaved a tired breath. "Yujin-ah, you heard what the doctor said. You need to take it easy. You don't want to risk permanent damage, do you?"

"Obviously not, so I'll sit the whole time. I need to be there!" I argued. "He said to stay off my foot, not stay in bed."

Yoongi looked to Jungkook and they shared a lengthy stare before he looked away and nodded. "Okay, fine. But I'm going to have someone beside you at all times. We don't know what happened, but something feels off and I'd rather be safe than sorry."

I grinned. "Thank you, oppa!"

Yoongi grimaced. "Oh, now you break out 'oppa'. Nice." I sent him a finger heart and a wink and he turned away. "I'm going to go hunt down someone for your release papers."

Once he left the room, I glanced cautiously at Jungkook. He was looking everywhere but me. I lifted a hand to cup his cheek and then his stare towards mine.

"Why don't you believe me?" I quietly murmured.

Jungkook sighed. "It's not that, Yujin, it really isn't. I've just known Sooji for so long, it feels wrong to think of her in such an aggressive way."

I nodded in understanding. "I get it. Will you at least try to keep an open mind for me?"

Jungkook's lips tilted slightly. "Of course."

I pecked his cheek. "Thank you."


unedited bc i'm lazy but at least it didn't take almost a month lmao

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