Chapter 14

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Yujin's POV

It was getting pretty late now, nearing midnight, and most of the guys had tired themselves out and retired to their rooms. They all had been shouting and splashing around in the water animatedly like children, playing basketball and an array of other pool games. I couldn't help but grin watching them all let loose and have fun; they all looked so much happier and more revived compared to yesterday.

I had remained in the hot tub, keeping some pleasant conversation up for some time with Jinyoung and Jin who'd wanted to soothe their muscles as well. A few stragglers lingered in the pool while I now sat alone, laying back and shutting my eyes to bask in the tranquility.

"We're gonna head to bed now, Yujin. Good night!" Taehyung hollered as he and Jimin passed me in the hot tub, drying themselves as they walked.

I peeked an eye open and raised a hand in farewell. "Sleep well guys." My eyes returned shut.

I enjoyed several more moments of bliss and silence before it was interrupted by the swishing sound of someone plopping themselves into the hot tub. I didn't even have to open my eyes to know who it was.

"Can't you just leave me alone for once?" I wondered in agony.

"Now, doll, where's the fun in that?" Jungkook replied. I reluctantly peeled my eyes open and was met with his signature cocky smirk.

I sat up straight. I didn't know whether or not to address the scenario from earlier, which had left me a flustered mess. At the recollection of it, I could almost feel the ghost of his lips against the spot on my neck he had nipped at. It certainly made being alone with him while we were both half-naked more awkward than it would have initially been.

When I had broken out of my train of thought, I noticed his gaze set slightly lower than it should be. I whistled and pointed two fingers at my eyes. "Hey, eyes up here."

Jungkook laughed. "Sorry, couldn't help myself."

I scoffed. "Seriously, get some class." My phone began to buzz from behind me on my towel and I glimpsed the screen, my heart rate speeding up at the name that was displayed.


I let it continue ringing until it ceased, taking a breath when the obnoxious sound stopped. But, once again, my phone began ringing and I grabbed it, clutching it my hand but not swiping to accept the call.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" Jungkook questioned.

I glanced from him to my phone before cautiously swiping the answer button, slowly bringing it to my ear.

"Hi, mother." I quietly greeted after I cleared my throat.

"Why didn't you answer my first call?"

Straight to the point, as always.

"I was busy." I answered with no emotion. It was best to be neutral when talking to her.

"Hmph." She seemed unconvinced but I didn't care enough. "Where are you right now?"

"At home."

"Are you sure?" She interrogated, her voice getting hard. I gulped and hesitated before answering.


"Then why don't you open the door for me? I've been knocking for several minutes," she challenged, and my face paled. My lips parted but nothing came out, my mouth dry.


She scoffed hearing my lack of response, not at all surprised by the outcome. "That's what I thought. You and I will be having a talk whenever you return." And with that she hung up.

I dejectedly placed my phone back on the towel, my face stoic but my mind distraught, as I dropped my arms to hang loosely beside me. I stared into the water blankly, the lights on the bottom emitting a faint blue glow to create shadows across my features.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook, who I had forgotten about, piped up from his side of the hot tub. I nodded once. He tutted in doubt. "Who were you talking to?"

I ripped my gaze from the bubbling water to meet his gaze. I scrutinized his face quietly, not sensing his usual rude or conceited demeanor which slightly puzzled me. "Nobody."

"Oh, come on." He lightly sneered in disbelief. "Obviously something happened, tell me about it."

"And why should I do that? When all this time you've done nothing but mock and disrespect me?" I harshly quipped.

"You haven't been so delightful, yourself, doll." He replied. I laughed in astonishment, was he seriously insulting me right now? "I'm just trying to help you out, damn."

"Help me out or figure me out? Since apparently you see me as some sort of mystery case you need to solve." I said bitterly. "Don't pretend you actually care." My tone was sharp and dripped with contempt as I stood up and turned around, prepared to climb out of the hot tub and sleep my problems away for the time being. A hand wrapping around my wrist and jerking me further into the hot tub prevented me from doing so. I eyed Jungkook's strong hand as he kept his grip firm on my arm.

"Okay, I'm sorry, just-," He paused, "please don't leave."

I was speechless at his request, and the sincerity in his manner, so I simply nodded in compliance and dropped my harsh disposition. Jungkook tugged me lightly back towards his side of the hot tub, sitting on the seat. His legs were spread apart, allowing me space between them since I remained standing. Up close, I noticed how the hot tub's lights, combined with the rippling of the water, reflected off of his ominously dark eyes and created a twinkling effect. I found myself distracted by the sight.

Jungkook cleared his throat, his eyes analyzing my face, as he gently dragged his fingers down my arm to grasp my hand. The difference in sizes was substantial as his hand engulfed mine; it was a surprisingly welcomed feeling that I didn't at all mind. "Talk to me, doll." He pleaded.

I sighed before beginning. "It's my mother. She's always been unsupportive of me—my dreams, that is. She told me not to waste my time dancing, to go into business because that's what she sees me doing." Jungkook furrowed his brows as I spoke, his lip curling downwards as I continued, "She doesn't know about this job right now. That's why she called, she caught me in a lie and now she's more suspicious than ever."

Jungkook squeezed my hand in reassurance. "Why is she like this?"

"Because...," I shrugged, trying to find a way to phrase this without exposing my relationship with Yoongi. We weren't the ones who wanted the secrecy, it was our parents who decided this. So I wouldn't 'steal his spotlight' or 'distract people from his fame'. "My brother has been so successful, I guess she doesn't want me to take away from his exposure."

"That's ridiculous." Jungkook commented, revulsed. "You should be allowed to follow whichever path you choose. I think that's just an excuse for her own selfish reasons."

I shrugged again, not having the right words to respond. "I'm used to it." I tilted my head down in disappointment, in both myself and my inability to stand up for myself. Jungkook cupped my waist on either side with his hands and gently lifted me to take a seat on his thigh, his hand rubbing comforting circles against my back. I didn't fight it; I was stressed and tired and, honestly, needed the consoling. I rested my head in the crook of his damp, bare neck, shutting my eyes as the sound of the water lulled me into a weary state.

"I'm tired." I mumbled.

"I've got you." Jungkook whispered, moving carefully so that he could wrap an arm around my back and under my legs. He slowly lifted me out of the hot tub, covering me with my towel and grabbing my phone before he lifted me into the air and began to wander us inside.

I drifted in and out of slumber as he carried me, but I was awake long enough to hear him hum a particular song. One who's dulcet melody bore just the opposite with its dismal memories.


(for those who didn't watch the video I linked back in Chapter 6, the song is Lovely by Khalid and Billie Eilish)

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