Chapter 37

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look how boyfriend he is ah

Yujin's POV

I was wedged between Namjoon and Hoseok on the boys' sofa as both groups had headed back to BTS' condo for a sort of after party. They were celebrating a month of hard work, camaraderie, and prosperity after finally concluding their long day. The atmosphere was warm and jovial and I couldn't help but grin the entire time as Bambam and Taehyung went head to head on some dancing game.

Yoongi, as always, lazed about in a corner with a beer in hand, though his lips were quirked upwards in an amused and content smile. Several others did the same beside him.

It was easy to push the previous painful events to the back of my head with a group of friends like this, but one thing was troubling me. Jungkook had been leaning against a wall with his lips pursed and arms crossed. His gaze was focused on nothing in particular as he seemed to be deep in thought. I was worried about him; everyone else was having a good time and laughing their heads off, and typically he would be the same.

I rubbed my palms on my thighs before standing up and walking up to him. His eyes trained on me as I settled in front of him and I gave him a careful smile as I held out my hand for him to take.

"Come with me. Let's talk." I offered. He grabbed my hand and I pulled him beside me towards the guest room I'd been staying in.

"Hey lovebirds, remember there's other people here, too!" Yugyeom hollered after us.

"Shut up!" I shouted with an awkward laugh.

"Thin walls!" Jimin informed through chuckles. He whined once my brother thwacked the back of his head with a, "Yah!"

I sat Jungkook on my bed as our fingers were re-intertwined. I squeezed his hand as I began, "What's wrong? You've seemed out of it all night."

Jungkook searched my concerned eyes as pulled me to sit beside him, placing my crutches out of the way. "What ended up happening with Sooji?" He asked.

"Well," I started, smoothing my hair down my neck. "I told our bosses everything and had them listen to the tape. They sent some men to detain her and I'm assuming she got taken into custody. JYP said he'd call me and some lawyers in soon to discuss it all since I'd have to testify."

Jungkook nodded at my words. His gaze fell lower and I swallowed nervously as he tucked some hair behind my ear, running his finger down along my jawline. "Is that all?" He muttered as he brushed his thumb across my collarbone. "Care to explain where these came from?" His hand brushed my hair away from my neck, exposing the bruises on my neck clearly. I'd had the chance to look at them in a mirror, and several purple marks had sprouted on the both sides on my neck. He continued to examine them, his feather-like touch so gentle that I shuddered.

"It's no big deal, really, Jungkook. I ran into the chaos with Sooji and she pounced on me, but the guards took her away. It's fine." I tried to convince him as I saw his internal turmoil.

"Why didn't you tell me after it happened? I saw the bruises as soon as you walked into the room. They're the only thing I could see." Jungkook spoke softly, eyes hard.

"I didn't want it to distract you or any of the guys from your show. That was more important to me at the time." I explained guiltily.

Jungkook shook his head determinedly. "No, Yujin, don't think like that. You're always more important, you'll always be my top priority. Don't hide these types of things from me again, alright?" He asked, cupping my cheek. I analyzed his serious expression, his emotional eyes. "Alright?" He reinforced. I nodded. "Thank you." He pecked my forehead and I smiled gleefully.

I joined my hands around his neck to pull him in for a longer, sweeter kiss. He smiled against my lips and butterflies flurried in my stomach. I pulled away with my eyes shut. "I'm just so happy this mess is over. Everything can finally go back to normal."

Jungkook hummed his agreement, thumb on the edge of my lips. "Speaking of, I've been meaning to show you something."

My eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

He only grinned excitedly as he stood, grabbing my crutches for me and helping me up.

"What is it with you and surprises? Seriously." I chuckled as he silently had me follow him through the BTS home towards the front door. All of the guys were still hanging out and they shot us puzzled looks as we crossed the living room.

"We'll be back." Jungkook quipped before ushering me out the door, shutting it without waiting for a response.

"Uh...Jungkook?" I mumbled in confusion as he sauntered up to a door further down the lengthy hall. He glanced back at me once before placing his thumb on the scanner. The door dinged and he nudged it open for me to enter. I did so hesitantly.

"What is this?" I wondered after he'd closed the door. The interior was similar to BTS' place, but less cluttered with personal belongings.

"This," Jungkook began as he slowly took away my crutches and scooped me into his arms. I yelped in surprise, steadying myself with my arms around his neck, our faces close. "Is our new place."

My eyes widened in shock. "Wait, what?! Are you serious?"

He nodded enthusiastically as he carried me through the condo. Now that I was seeing it, I realized it was smaller than BTS' home, naturally so since it wouldn't be housing 7 grown individuals.

"How did you do this, Jungkook? Why?" I murmured as my voice cracked with emotion. "This is too much. I don't deserve this."

Jungkook face fell. "Why would you say that? If anything, this is too little. You deserve the world, Yujin, and if I could that's what I'd give you." My eyes burned as tears began to pool in my eyes. I hung my head back to keep them at bay.

"Jungkook, how can I ever repay you for this?"

"You don't have to. And you won't. Consider this a gift from me and Yoongi; both of us prepared this for you after everything with your mom went down. Yoongi felt like this was the least he could do after years of what she put you through."

By now, the tears were streaming down my cheeks. Jungkook carried us into a room with a large bed in the middle. He carefully placed me on the bed, wiping my cheeks from moisture as I examined every inch of the room. Our bedroom. A lone picture stood prominently on the beside nightstand, and my lips parted as I reached for it.

"When did you take this?" I asked with wonderment.

"That night on the roof- our first date." Jungkook happily replied as he looked over my shoulder at the picture. The photo was taken from behind as I slept curled in a blanket on the couch. Warm hues painted across the sky and washed over the busy city of Seoul as the sun began to rise and as dawn set in. He continued, "I woke up early, and damn was I lucky that I did. That moment was perfect. I can never forget it; how you looked so peaceful and innocent as you slept, how the light hit you in just the right way. You looked so beautiful, Yujin."

I placed the picture back in its spot before whirling on Jungkook. "I love you so much." I stated with so much determination and intensity as my damp eyes took in the breathtaking man before me. My heart swelled so much I thought it'd fly right out of my chest. I grabbed his face and pulled his lips down onto mine hard.

He met my kiss with equal ferocity, nothing but passion and love fueling the moment. He laid back on the bed, allowing me to climb over him and straddle his lap as I pressed my body against his. Messages too sincere and intense for words were conveyed through our actions as our tongues clashed and hands explored each other. I pulled away only to place eager, open-mouthed kisses along his neck. I sucked on a particular spot which caused Jungkook to let out a hungry moan.

He flipped us around so that I now lay below him, his arms caging me in as he stared down at me, desire swimming in his dark eyes.

He leaned close so that his lips brushed mine as he uttered, "We have some unfinished business to take care of."


y'all should check out my jimin fic orrr my personal random book thing

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