Chapter 22

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Yujin's POV

I was sat in the back of the restaurant in a secluded yet cozy booth. The lights were on the dimmer side, and the bustling of servers and murmurs of surrounding customers filled the environment. I checked the time yet again, huffing out an impatient sigh.

I poured myself another glass of water, taking a sizable gulp to avoid nibbling on the bread rolls and oil. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, a dark figure took his seat across from me in the booth, sliding his hood off of his head and ruffling his rain-dampened hair.

"Took you long enough." I stated, breaking a bread roll in half.

"It's not my fault you're always early." My brother retorted nonchalantly.

I tutted. "You chose this place because it was closer to your lazy ass." A laugh tore through my annoyed exterior when Yoongi nodded in agreement.

"This is true, but also because it's my favorite Italian place." I rolled my eyes and dipped the roll in oil, letting out a hum as the tastes of the oil and spice exploded in my mouth.

Eventually a server came by and took our orders, leaving Yoongi and I to ourselves as we waited for our food to be prepared. He took a quick sip of his wine, different from his usual choice of beer, before I started the conversation.

"So," I began, gaining his attention. "I told Jungkook about you."

Yoongi's face remained calm as he shrugged a shoulder. "I figured."

My eyebrows scrunched. "Huh?" 

"When we were on the phone earlier, he wasn't suspicious about it at all." Yoongi explained and I let out an understanding hum.

"Oh... okay then."

It was quiet for a moment before Yoongi spoke up again. "Honestly, why are we even keeping this a secret anymore?" 

I pondered for a second before letting out a bewildered chuckle. "I don't even know. There's no point anymore."

"Nope." He agreed. "I'll let Tae, Jimin, and Jin know later. They'll flip but oh well." He shrugged at the end of his statement. 

A server came by and dropped off our starter salads and we thanked her. I dished out our portions, as I always did whenever Yoongi and I ate together, and my brother gave me an affectionate smile. We ate for a minute or two before Yoongi once again spoke up. 

"When did you have the chance tell Jungkook?" He interrogated.

I placed my fork down as I strategized how to answer his inquiry. I wasn't going to lie to him, but after all, he was my older brother and Jungkook was his group mate. "Well..." I trailed off and Yoongi arched a brow. "We were together yesterday and it just kinda came up in conversation." I took a sip of water as I began to get flustered remembering the events that immediately proceeded the revelation.

"When were you guys together yesterday? He was with us all day, until..." Yoongi looked up in thought before his lips tilted into a smirk, "last night. Tell me, Yujin, what were you and him up to so late in the evening?"

I pursed my lips. "Quit imagining things, weirdo. It wasn't even intentional, I was trying to call you."

"So why didn't you?" He asked, now puzzled. 

I deliberated how to word the next sentence. "I wasn't... exactly... in the right state of mind."

"So you were drunk?" My brother concluded and I nodded silently. "Geez, how much did you drink to get yourself that wasted? I know your tolerance, Yujin, and it's pretty high." 

I bit my lip before answering, hanging my head slightly. "I had a tough night." 

Yoongi's expression softened as he reached his hand across the table to gently grasp mine. "Kiddo, you can tell me anything, remember that. What happened?"

I let out a sigh before taking a deep inhale, describing the phone call from our mother during the trip until the altercation at my apartment. The whole time I was revealing things, Yoongi's mouth was set in a straight line. His eyes held a stormy look, but upon perceiving my eyes beginning to pool with moisture, he fell back into his comforting demeanor. I gulped as I finished off the story with how Jungkook fetched me from the street and took me home (leaving out, of course, the more intimate details).

Yoongi gave my hand a squeeze before his fingers pulled back to pinch the bridge of his nose. "I don't understand that woman at all. She has no right to treat you the way she does. I'm going to talk to her."

My eyes widened in alarm and I shook my head. "No, there's no need. It'll only make things worse between us."

Yoongi sighed in defeat. "Then what else am I supposed to do? I can't just sit by and allow her to treat her own daughter like some inconvenience." I lightly winced at the term and Yoongi glanced at me apologetically. "You don't deserve this."

I shrugged. "I just want to know what I did to her for her to hate me."

My brother grasped my hand again, intertwining our fingers. "Yah, I know things are bad, but don't say such a thing. You may not think so, but you're still her daughter and she does love you. She just has a terrible way of showing it."

I scoffed. "Yeah, terrible is one way to put it."

Yoongi briefly chuckled before his expression settled on a content smile. "Anyway, we'll see how things turn out. For now, let's eat some pasta and maybe I'll think about buying us some ice cream later."

A gleeful grin plastered onto my face as I clapped excitedly. "I'm holding you to that!"


sorry that this is a filler guys, I've been sooooo swamped lately like it's no joke. whoever said senior year is a breeze is a damn liar

nonetheless, please comment, vote, or share to support the story :) <3 ilya

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