Yujin's POV
"Yes, but why did you have to bring him into my apartment?" I whined to my brother. We were both waiting in the parking lot of a convenience store for our car-mates as they bought food for the trip. In our car—van, actually—was Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook, me, and Yoongi was driving. The remainder of the group was divided into other cars.
My brother sighed. "Like I said, we had to come pick you up and he wanted to tag along."
"I understand that, but now he knows where I live, Yoongi." I complained.
Yoongi rolled his eyes at me. "So what? What's he gonna do, show up at your door randomly, uninvited?"
"Honestly, who knows! That guy is his own species." I exhaled through my nose.
My brother chuckled at my frazzled state. "You clearly need to go back to sleep. You're too irrational in the morning."
I mocked his statement but ultimately didn't argue, since I wasn't going to deny gaining some more shut-eye. I shoved Yoongi's side as I exclaimed one final point. "He held my underwear, Yoongi! You're okay with random guys coming into your little sister's room and touching her things?"
Yoongi grimaced at that, throwing me a disgusted look. "That was information I didn't need to know. Shut up and go to sleep."
I groaned in exhasperstion but nonetheless settled against the door of the passenger seat, giving in to my brother's command. The sound of my brother's low humming and the thrum of the car engine lulled me into slumber.
Jungkook's POV
I swung the plastic bag filled with numerous packets of ramen in big, round circles as our group made our way back to the car. I noticed Taehyung picking through his bag, beginning to grab at one of the candy bars. Jimin wacked the back of his head and I stifled a laugh.
"Yah, those are for all of us. Save them for later."
Taehyung mumbled a few grumpy words to himself before stomping off ahead of us. Jimin threw me a look and I just shook my head in laughter. Sometimes I felt like that hyung was the real maknae.
We finally made it back to the sleek black van; Taehyung was already in the process of climbing to the back seat. I tossed my bag onto the floor, its contents cluttering together and the plastic scrunching, creating a ruckus in the once quiet environment. Yoongi turned from the driver's seat to shoot me a look with a finger placed over his lips, sending an aggressive look from me, to the passenger seat, then back to me.
I raised my eyebrows as I glanced at the sleeping figure. Yujin looked serene, relieved, content even as she soundlessly slept. Her lashes fluttered as she released slow breaths, her lips pursed slightly. I felt my face soften at the sight, an unfamiliar and unexpected warm feeling spreading across my chest. I looked back to Yoongi, mouthing an apology before taking my seat behind hers, shaking my head to myself.
Yoongi exited the parking lot and we were finally on our way. Taehyung, who was laying across the whole back seat, had already drifted off into a light slumber. Jimin was observing the passing scenery outside and Yoongi was tapping to his own melody against the wheel. I relaxed into my seat.
"We can talk, you know. She's not a heavy sleeper, but she's not a light one either." Yoongi informed. I arched a brow.
"How do you know that, hyung?" I interrogated. Ever since that first encounter with Yujin, I'd been suspicious of her and Yoongi's relationship to each other. I think there's more to their past than they were letting on, and I intended to find out.
Yoongi didn't answer, causing my skepticism to soar. Jimin, however, butted in. "She looks cute while she's sleeping."
I felt my face twist into a scowl before I quickly corrected it, wiping any emotion from my face. I wasn't sure why, but for some reason hearing that come from someone else unsettled me. I glanced at Jimin. "Hyung, don't say things like that." I muttered.
"Why? Is our Jungkookie jealous?" Jimin mused, finding the situation humorous. I huffed and crossed my arms.
"No I'm not. Why would I be?" I shot at him, not sure if I truly meant it or not. "I just wouldn't want to run the risk of her hearing you. It'd make things awkward."
Jimin chuckled at my excuse. "Ooookay, Jungkook."
My lip curled into a frown. I switched my gaze from Jimin to the front of the car and caught Yoongi's eyes watching me through the rearview mirror. It was only for a brief moment, for his eyes flicked back to focus on the road, but I'd seen it.
What were they to each other?
Yujin's POV
I was woken up by someone softly nudging my shoulder. I scrunched my eyes, rubbing them before inhaling deeply and sitting upright, stretching my hands out in front of me. "Are we there yet?"
"Yup, all the stuff's been brought inside. We were last to arrive so everyone's already inside." Yoongi told me, moving to allow me to unbuckle my seat belt and exit the car. I glanced at the loft and froze, my jaw hanging open and my eyes wide.
The majority of the building was made of clean-cut glass, giving it a modern feel. What wasn't the transparent material was instead sleek, mahogany-colored wood, giving the place an antique look. A cobblestone walkway lined with lights (that were off since it's noon) led up to the front door, passing by multiple well-kept flower beds and a basket-ball court to the left. From here, I could tell there were 2 floors. The view from the home was equally as breathtaking. It was a secluded area, so the only thing that could be observed for miles was the lush green from treetops, the sounds of ruffling leaves and singing birds filling the air.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" My brother commented from beside me. I nodded my head. "We should probably head inside now." He suggested. I followed him inside, as stunned from the interior as I was from the exterior. All of the guys lounged around the large, modern living room, the sounds of their chattering a stark contrast to the tranquility of outside. They all greeted me when I entered, which I returned.
"Well, hi to you too." Yoongi grumpily muttered to himself as he plopped next to Mark on the couch. I took a seat on the carpeted floor since there was no more space on the couches, not really minding because the hard feeling was a welcomed difference from the hours of sitting in the cushioned car seat.
Bambam stood up as he announced to us all, "So, I forgot to mention this back in Seoul, but there's only 7 bedrooms here. 2 on this floor and 5 upstairs. They should all have 2 beds in them, except for the master bedroom, but there's 15 of us. We could double up on beds, or some of us could sleep on the couch. It's up to you guys."
When he sat back down, Jackson hit his shoulder. "Yah, why didn't you mention that before? We could've brought blow up mattresses or something." He reprimanded. Bambam just shrugged in apology.
"I don't mind taking the couch." Jaebum offered.
"Are you sure?" I asked, not minding taking the couch. I was smaller in stature and would fit better, so logically I thought it better for me to sleep on it.
He smiled kindly, replying, "Thank you, Yujin, but I'm alright. I'm not going to make you sleep on the couch." I nodded in compliance, sending him a warm smile in return. Jingyoung offered to join him in the living room so that he wouldn't be alone, so that made me feel better.
"So how do we want to split up the rooms?"
This chapter turned out longer than expected oops
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Noticed | JJK ✓
FanficMin Yujin did not have it easy. Being several years younger than her brother Yoongi, she was always left in his shadow growing up. While their parents supported his dive into underground rap and eventually producing and becoming an idol, they pushed...