Jungkook's POV
I slid my change into my pocket as I grabbed the now bagged items, bidding the cashier farewell as I made my way to the exit. I adjusted my face mask, fluffing up my hoodie a bit more when seeing the pouring rain outside.
Just as soon as I stepped outside of the convenience store, the shrill sound of my cell phone ringing interrupted the tranquility of the patter of raindrops hitting the ground. A delighted grin broke onto my face seeing the caller ID as I answered the call.
A giggle sounded from the other line, confusing me slightly. "Oppa!"
My expression faltered hearing the term and as Yujin hiccuped during her exclamation, so I brought a hand to cup my other ear so I could hear her better. "Doll?"
Another hiccup. "Mama hurt me again."
There was no trace of content on my face any longer as concern took over my features. Yujin's words were slurred and lazy, an obvious sign of drinking. "What are you talking about? Where are you right now?"
"Oppa, you sound funny, are you sick?" Yujin teased, and my puzzlement only increased. I could hear the loud honks of cars through the phone, so I assumed she was outside and not, in fact, in the safe confines of her home.
"Where are you?" I emphasized my question as I was stricken with worry, ignoring my curiosity of who she thought she was calling instead of me.
"I had no more—," a burp, "—drink so I wanna get more."
I glanced up and down the street, sprinting across it when it was clear of passing vehicles. I shuffled into the driver's seat of my car as quickly as possible, the engine roaring to life with a turn of the keys. "Are you near your apartment right now?" I asked with urgency, pulling away from the curb and hustling down the road towards her street.
"Oh look! A-"
I cut her off. "Answer the question.Yes or no."
My heart raced as I sped down the empty roads, my windshield wipers moving at an alarming rate as they battled the puddles of water building up in my view. My thoughts filled with images of the pale, beautiful girl who was intoxicated and alone in the middle of a dark and dank city. I had to help her.
The line was silent for a moment, then, "I don't remember where I am." She laughed briefly when she finished her sentence, continuing to slur, "Stupid Yujin, can't do anything right."
I sighed in exasperation, wondering what could have possibly happened for the usually-collected girl to be in such a situation.
"Stay where you are, I'm coming."
Yujin wandered aimlessly down the sidewalk, her footsteps dragging with the heaviness of the rain. She was beginning to regret her decision to leave her warm home in nothing but her thin windbreaker—which was now soaked through, and sticking to her almost like a second skin. Nonetheless, despite how sobering the cold rain was, her drunken form stumbled along the empty sidewalk.
The phone call had ended a few minutes ago, not that she really cared. She was still unaware of who she actually called, and in her state she didn't think to check back in her call history. At least now she could stand up straight and form complete sentences, enough so to convince the vendor at the liquor store to sell her another bottle.
She found a bus stop bench to sit on, ignoring the puddle she found herself on top of, as she opened the bottle and took a chug. She hissed at the bitter sting but hummed in satisfaction.
Suddenly, Yujin was startled by the roaring of a car engine ripping through the calm setting. She directed her attention down the street, where the bright headlights of a car caused her to squint. The slick vehicle zoomed right by her, quickly coming to an abrupt stop several meters down before it switched into reverse and parked right in front of where she sat. She tilted her head to the side in confusion.
The window to the car rolled down and in the driver's seat sat Jungkook, who was both relieved and agitated. He wore no hint of amusement or his usual pomposity.
"Get in the car." He demanded.
Yujin scoffed, not too drunk to succumb so easily to just anyone's will. "No."
"Don't make me come out there and drag you in here myself, because I will." He threatened, then, softer, "You're going to get sick."
Yujin just shrugged, bringing the bottle to her lips and taking another gulp. "Whatever. Leave me alone."
Jungkook smacked the steering wheel of his car in frustration. "Damnit, Yujin, get in the car!"
Yujin was more than shocked, to say the least, to hear her actual name come from his lips, and in such a grating tone. She could tell this was a sign of his gravity, that he wasn't going to take no for an answer, but the stubborn girl couldn't be swayed. She stood from her seat, swaying slightly as she attempted to balance herself, before she pointed a finger in his direction.
"Now you listen here," Jungkook stared at the girl slurring her words in awe from his car, baffled at how she could still be so exasperating and reluctant while intoxicated, "You most certainly cannot make me do anything I don't want to. You aren't my oppa or any sort of family to me, you're just some guy who confuses the shit out of me."
Jungkook didn't even let her words soak in as he pulled the parking brake and threw the car door open, slamming it shut as he swiftly rounded the hood of the car towards Yujin. All he wanted to do was help her but she was being so difficult.
"I tried to do this the easy way, but you're really testing my patience." He stated harshly as he snatched the alcohol from Yujin's grasp and hurled it at the ground. Yujin gaped at the broken glass as the amber liquid was washed away by the incessant rain.
"How dare you?" She shouted, shoving Jungkook's chest with her palm with all her force, not moving his sturdy form a bit. She groaned in irritation.
Jungkook ignored her protests as he wrapped his arms around her torso and flung the light girl over his shoulder. He whirled around, not gently, and began to walk back towards the car.
"Yah! Put me down right now you dick!" Yujin yelled as she whacked his back.
The passenger side door was thrust open and Jungkook settled Yujin into the seat, more tender now, and buckled her in. She was too angry to be flustered by the brushing of his hands against her waist as she stated through chattering teeth, "You know as soon as you let me go I'm going to make a run for it."
Jungkook laughed bitterly, seeing the girl unconsciously shiver, as he leaned closer to her to get his point across. "Go ahead, you won't be getting far with the state you're in." He paused and searched her eyes, which she averted away from his hot gaze. "But I wouldn't try it unless you really want to see me mad."
Yujin surrendered at that, Jungkook smiling in satisfaction at the girl finally submitting. With that, Jungkook shut the door and climbed into the driver's seat, locking the doors and taking off.
*unedited and probably shitty bc I've been so busy lately but I wanted to update so I apologize*

Noticed | JJK ✓
FanfictionMin Yujin did not have it easy. Being several years younger than her brother Yoongi, she was always left in his shadow growing up. While their parents supported his dive into underground rap and eventually producing and becoming an idol, they pushed...