Present Day
Yujin's POV
The next day was spent, most significantly, in a packed meeting room. Bang Si Hyuk and Park Jinyoung each sat at opposite heads of the lengthy table. Sitting on one side of the table was Namjoon, Jaebum, then Yugyeom. Parallel to Namjoon was Hoseok, then me, and to my right was Yoongi. Other staff members sat around the outskirts of the room against the walls. We'd all spent several hours discussing and planning the course of events that would play out over the next month.
The schedule would go as follows: for the first few days I, alongside Hoseok and Yugyeom, would create a rough choreography with the music we'd collectively chosen that day. The remainder of the week would be spent teaching it to the rest of the guys. During the second week, Bangtan would be busy with their packed comeback schedule, so they would practice individually while I would be practicing with Got7. That Thursday, we would all meet up and run trough the choreography together. Both our companies are then giving us several days to rest, relax, and prepare ourselves. Week 3 will hold measurings and fittings for our attire to the gala that's being held to promote the joint performance. Then, during the final week, we'll hold practice every day, some days on stage to get accustomed to it, in preparation for the performance that Friday.
It was indeed a packed month, but certainly manageable.
We were now three days into the month-long schedule and I was currently getting ready to figure out the last bit of the choreography with Hoseok and Yugyeom. We were at Big Hit today because the Stray Kids were using our JYP practice room.
I tossed my sweater off so that I was left in my sports bra and leggings, unbothered that I was alone with two guys. I was completely comfortable with Hoseok after spending so much time together, and Yugyeom and I have been close for a while now. They were both discussing something across the room, anyway.
I intertwined my hands and reached them as high as I could leaning left and right to stretch. I dropped my arms and swung them in large circles as I walked towards the bar that was against the wall.
I lifted one of my legs onto it, reaching to hold my foot to properly loosen my body up in a stretch. I did the same with my other leg, shutting my eyes as I stretched and breathed out.
The sound of a low whistle emitted from behind me, followed by an infuriating voice commenting, "What a view." I let out a heavy huff of air before dropping my leg and turning to face Jungkook, who had shamelessly been staring at my butt from his place in the doorway with a suggestive smirk on his lips.
I placed my hands in my hips and gave him a displeased look. "Does this type of stuff usually work on girls?" My voice was laced with genuine wonder.
"Yah! Don't be gross." Yugyeom hollered from beside Hoseok resulting in a snickering Jungkook.
Though it was faint, I could pick up on Hoseok mumbling, "Yoongi-hyung won't be too happy about that," from across the room. I glanced at Jungkook who was analyzing Hoseok with a suspicious look, presuming that he had also heard.
I clapped my hands to divert his attention back to me, breaking him out of his trance. "Is there a reason you're here, or do you just like being a nuisance?"
He rolled his eyes. "Damn, doll, lighten up. I'm here for Hoseok, anyway, not you."
I scowled but didn't respond, well aware that if I had I would have an attitude.
"What do you need, Kook-ah?" Hoseok asked while walking towards him, placing his arm around the said man.
I didn't even realize Yugyeom had moved to stand beside me until he poked my side, earning himself a playful shove. He began showing me a certain move from our choreography, telling me he thinks we should tweak it and performing it for me with his adjustment.
I pictured how it would fit into the rest of the choreo in my head before I nodded. "That's a good idea. Let's try it out with the part leading into it." I counted down and we both began moving, dancing for maybe 20 seconds.
We finished and grinned at each other, giving each other a high five. Several slow claps echoed through the rather empty room. Both Yugyeom and I turned to observe Jungkook leaning against the wall, only now noticing that he was still here, plus the absence of Hoseok.
"Impressive." Jungkook said, pushing himself off the wall.
"I know I am." Yugyeom laughed. Jungkook let out a chaste laugh but his eyes lingered on me. I shifted my gaze away from him to face Yugyeom who continued speaking. "But Yujin here is something else. I can't believe she's never said anything."
Jungkook raised an eyebrow at this. "You guys are close?"
I bit my lip and kept silent, allowing Yugyeom to do all the talking and avoiding Jungkook's piercing stare. Yugyeom ruffled my hair before hanging his arm around my shoulders. "She's been with us for, what, 2 years now? Almost like our little sister but she never once mentioned the fact that she danced to anyone. Makes me wonder why she's a manager, but it explains why whenever the guys or I would ask why she got this job she'd get quiet."
Yugyeom threw a look my way but I ignored it, staring straight in front of me as I suddenly felt awkward under his and Jungkook's hot stares. I freed myself from Yugyeom's hold and kept a neutral face. "It doesn't really matter. The past is the past, and I'm here now."
Yugyeom nodded while Jungkook remained still, scrutinizing me. "That's true. Well, I'm gonna go get some water for us, we'll be here for a few hours." With that, Yugyeom exited the room, leaving us by ourselves.
I straightened my back and whirled to face Jungkook straight on. "Haven't you served your purpose or is there something else you wanted?"
Jungkook's lips titled into a half-smile, seeming to be amused by my brazenness. "My, my, you've got quite the attitude, doll."
I glared at him. "You know my name. Use it."
Unsurprisingly, he ignored my request. "You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" He stated more than questioned. My eyebrows furrowed in puzzlement as I met his gaze, sensing some sort of double meaning behind his words. As if he meant something deeper.
I really hope you guys are liking the story so far! lmk what you think!

Noticed | JJK ✓
FanfictionMin Yujin did not have it easy. Being several years younger than her brother Yoongi, she was always left in his shadow growing up. While their parents supported his dive into underground rap and eventually producing and becoming an idol, they pushed...