Chapter 10

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Yujin's POV

I let an exasperated screech out into my pillow as I thought back to my exchange with the intolerable prick from earlier.

Who the hell did he think he was?

What gave him the right to question my life, my private life, and then become defensive when I withheld the information? Did he expect me to just delve into every nook and cranny of my past and recount every relationship I've ever had with anyone ever? Moreover, what infuriated me the most was the fact that he did this knowing the way he's been treating me. Part of my arm was still sore to touch, serving as a reminder of that oh-so-wonderfully memorable event not long ago.

I was broken out of my brooding by the unexpected sound of thumping coming from my door. I exited my room and made my way through my small apartment, a smile taking over my features once I glimpsed the figure standing outside through my peephole. I thrust the door open excitedly.

"I come bearing gifts." My brother exclaimed. His gummy smile, which was almost identical to mine, captured my vision as I allowed him to enter my apartment carrying two brown paper bags.

"Welcome to my humble abode, please excuse the mess. Although I doubt you're surprised by it." I said as I kicked a few bins against the wall, picking up some trash and dumping it as I lead my brother to the living room. He laughed in agreement.

Yoongi took a seat on the sofa as he placed the bags on the coffee table, revealing the contents of them. "I brought the classic: chicken and beer. It's been a while since we sat and talked."

I clapped excitedly. "Thank God. I didn't know how much longer I could take eating eggs or ramen." I sat beside him, eagerly picking a fried chicken wing out of the box and diving right in. Yoongi snorted at my shamelessness as I cracked open a beer bottle and chugged a quarter of it. "This is exactly what I needed. Thanks, Oppa."

Yoongi ruffled my hair a bit. "Anytime, kiddo."

I gestured for him to commence eating. "Don't let me get fat alone, you ass. Eat."

He chuckled, but nonetheless popped open a bottle and sipped a generous amount. "How've you been liking the new position?"

I swallowed before answering. "It's great. Amazing, actually, although a heads-up would've been nice."

Yoongi inspected a drumstick as he responded, "Nah. Surprising you is a fun time." I shoved his side as he snickered at me, taking care to not spill my beer as I took another gulp. "But honestly you look and seem much happier now. I'm just sorry I couldn't make it happen sooner."

My expression softened as my brother's lips titled downwards in regret. I placed my bottle on the table before wrapping my arms around his arm that was closest to me and snuggling into his side. "It's okay, Yoongi. You've done so much for me, more than I can ever reciprocate. You're an amazing brother. Thank you so much." I squeezed his arm.

He rested his head on top of mine. "Anything for you. I'm just not looking forward to when mom and dad find out."

I shuddered at the thought but brushed it away with a sip of beer. "Let's not think about that right now." I sat upright and crossed my legs, positioning myself on the couch to face Yoongi. "So tell me, what do your groupmates think of me? Do they like me?"

Yoongi smiled warmly at my inquiry. "Yujin, you worry too much. They all love you." A wide grin spread on my face as I squealed. "Obviously Hoseok adores you, and Jin does as well after seeing your patience and friendliness. Jimin and Tae couldn't get enough of your sass. Today, Namjoon told me how helpful and kind you were."

My heart swelled hearing this information, but I couldn't help the strange feeling I got when a particular name wasn't mentioned. "What about Jungkook? What's his deal with me?"

Yoongi laughed. "I'm not even sure. That kid is hard to read when he doesn't want you to know something."

I scoffed. "That 'kid' is the bane of my existence."

My brother placed his hand on my shoulder. "Whatever you say, kid."

"Oppa!" I exclaimed. "What are you implying?"

He put both his hands up. "I'm just saying, if you really didn't like the guy you would try a lot harder to avoid him. Plus..." He glanced over my shoulder and I turned to see Jungkook's blue hoodie hanging over the back of a chair. "Enough said."

I groaned and threw an arm across my face, covering my eyes as I laid against the couch cushion. "You're too imaginative."

"No, I'm observant." Yoongi smartly corrected. I whacked his back and he snickered, handing me my beer which I gladly gulped down.

"Believe what you want, grandpa."


the chapter was short but it was some cute sibling time
my brother isn't this nice to me

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