Chapter 9

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Yujin's POV

The past few days have been spent teaching everyone the new choreography. Hoseok and Yugyeom had allowed me to take the lead in doing so, which I greatly appreciated, and I hoped I impressed the guys with my tenacity. It was fun witnessing all 14 of their personalities come together since they had great chemistry, they would endlessly crack jokes and make funny remarks.

I was now in the front of the Big Hit practice room, my back to the mirrors, as I analyzed all 14 of the men dancing in front of me. They were performing the song beginning to end because it would be the last time we all practiced together for almost a week. I wanted everyone to have a firm grasp on the choreo before we parted ways. I observed each and every single person in front of me, walking back and forth and even around to the back to ensure the formations were correct. Only one thing had caught my eye, so when the music cut I let out a satisfied hum.

"Good job, everyone. It's looking good! Let's take a 10 minute water break, then run it one more time?" Everyone nodded approvingly and I clapped my hands with a thumbs up.

I casually ran a hand through my hair as I slowly made my way towards the back of the room where one member in particular sat lost in thought. Everyone else was distracted and already conversing. I crouched down and placed a reassuring hand on RM's shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

He was broken out of his absent-mindedness and glanced at me with wide eyes. "Yeah, I'm okay." I gave him a pointed look which made him sigh and reveal, "I just feel like I'm holding everyone back. No matter how much I try I can't seem to get that move down."

My expression softened as I noticed how distressed he seemed. I stood upright and extended my hand for him to take. "Come on, get up." RM looked wary, but he firmly grasped my hand as I pulled, assisting him in standing up. I moved to stand right beside him.

"This is how you're doing it." I performed the move as mentioned. RM nodded his head. "This is how it's supposed to be done. You're nearly there, you just have to stop hesitating. It throws you off. You have to be confident and get out of your head." I then showed him the correct way and he tried to copy my movements.

He missed a part once again, so I slowly counted out the beats as we moved together, my eyes focused on his motions and his on mine. When he finally got it, a grin broke out on my face that mirrored his. His deep dimples were set at the corners of his lips. I gave him a high-five. "You see! You seriously need to give yourself more credit, Namjoon. You're really talented."

RM sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks Yujin. You're really good at this. Patient, helpful, and a hell of a dancer." My smile brightened at his praise and I bowed in thanks.

"All in a day's work. I can't have you practicing the wrong moves while you guys are away from me for a week."

We both sat back on the floor since there were still a few minutes remaining until practice would resume. Namjoon glanced around us before he leaned closer to me, gesturing that he wanted me to come near. I inclined my head.

"By the way, I know Yoongi's your brother."

My head thrust back as my eyes widened. "How? Does anyone else know?"

He chuckled at my reaction. "No. I saw his phone background, it's of the two of you, and he spilled." My heart slightly warmed at that. "Don't worry, though, your secret is safe with me."

My smile was genuine when I responded, "Thanks, Namjoon. I really appreciate that."


I was the last person that remained in the practice room after today's session had ended. Using a small towel, I dabbed at the sweat around my face before hanging it over my shoulder, then released my hair from the tight constraints of my hair tie. I chugged a water bottle as I exited the room, tilting it down as I noticed the lone individual leaning against the wall.

"Good work today." I half-heartedly commented as I continued walking. Not a few seconds later I heard the sound of light footsteps behind me. Rolling my eyes, I turned on the guy with a hand on my hip, effectively halting his steps before he could bump into me. "It's funny how you were the one calling me a stalker."

Jungkook scoffed. "Geez, doll, I just wanted to talk. You can drop the attitude."

"And you can stop following me." I immediately turned back around and walked further down the hall. But the incessant man was quick to move and stroll beside me. I raised an eyebrow at him. "What do you want, Jungkook?"

His neutral expression morphed into that insufferable smirk I knew all too well as he wet his lips. "Mm, I like the sound of my name coming from your lips, doll. Say it again." I let out a frustrated huff and fastened my pace. He gripped my arm and slowed me back down, placing both his palms up in surrender. "Okay, okay, I'll stop for now. Lighten up."

"Are you gonna get to the point any time soon or...?" I dragged out.

"What were you and hyung talking about earlier?" He asked.

Both my eyebrows shot up. "Who, Namjoon? That's none of your business."

"When did you two get all buddy-buddy?" He wondered bitterly.

I tapped my chin, pretending to think about it. "Hmm, none of your business." I concluded. By now we had ceased walking and stood facing each other. I could tell Jungkook's patience was running thin, so I began feeling smug. Two could play at this game.

"Why are you suddenly everywhere? You seemed real snug with Bambam and Yugyeom earlier, and now Namjoon? Not to mention whatever your deal is with Yoongi. Who are you?" He sharply interrogated.

My expression was one of bafflement. "First of all, what's it to you? Second, why the hell are you watching me?" I let out a humorless chuckle as I muttered to myself. "And you seriously accused me of being the stalker."

"I'm just trying to figure you out." He stated, his tone hard.

I crossed my arms. "There's nothing to figure out."

Jungkook began to approach me, causing me to take careful steps back. "On the contrary. I have reasons to believe otherwise." He muttered darkly.

"And what would those reasons be?" I shot, ignoring how close he was, so close that I had to slightly tilt my head up to face him.

He smirked, his fiery eyes penetrating right into me. "I guess we'll just have to wait and see."


Another update in honor of our Golden Maknae turning one year older 😊
Happy JK Day❣️

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