[How You Met]

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You are Jinwoo's little sister. You came to his dorm because he wasn't answering his phone. Myungjun saw you talking to Jinwoo and was speechless. Jinwoo saw him and smiled.
"Myungjun, meet my sister Y/N."


You are Jinwoo's childhood friend. Your mom and his mom are still best friends. So they took you together to the park when you were little and you two have been best friends since.


You are Bin's little sister. Bin asked you to come to dorm to meet his best friends. Dongmin immediately took a liking in you. You started joking around with Sanha and Minhyuk and he watched you with a small smile.


You are Minhyuk's best friend. Minhyuk took you with his best friends to the movies. You and Bin immediately hit it off. You were talking and not paying much attention to the movies.


You are Sanha's best friend. Whenever he was free, he would spend time with you. But one time his friend, Minhyuk, joined you while shopping. Minhyuk was a bit shy at first but soon relaxed and talked to you.


You are Dongmin's little sister. Dongmin took you with him to one of their rehearsals. Sanha immediately started talking to you. By the end you were best friends.

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