[You Call Him Oppa]

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You looked for your brother Jinwoo around their dorm but couldn't find him. You saw MJ and walked to him.
"Myungjun oppa, have you seen my brother?"
MJ blushed and stutters.
"I... Practice room."
You smiled.
"Thank you, oppa."
He blushed as he watched you walk away.


Since Jinwoo was older than you by two months, you always called him oppa. But recently he started to like it even more. Whenever you called him that he would smile and his heart would beat so fast.
"Jinwoo oppa, I miss you."
He smiled and sighed.
"I miss you too."


Everyone was in living room, watching movies. Dongmin was holding the popcorns, while you sat next to him. You glanced at him.
"Dongmin oppa, can you pass me some popcorns?"
His heart jumped at the name. He smiled charmingly at you and gave you popcorns.


Bin was trying to make you to call him oppa for days. But he tried to act like it was a joke.
"Come on! I'm older than you. You have to respect your elders."
One day you sighed and nodded.
" Fine, Bin oppa."
He looked at you and blushed. You smiled at him and left him speechless.


You and Sanha were playing hide and seek. You were seeking him when you run into Minhyuk. You smiled softly.
"Oh. I'm sorry, Minhyuk oppa."
His heart jumped and he smiled at you.
"No problem, Y/N."


You loved seeing Sanha flustered so you always used pet names for him. But you never used oppa. One day you were talking about were to go for lunch.
"What about that new bakery place, Sanha oppa?"
His eyes widened and he stuttered.
"Uh... Sure."

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