[You Fell Asleep On Their Shoulder]

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You were watching movies with the boys. By the time you started your third movie you were falling asleep. You closed your eyes and put your head on Myungjun shoulder. He looked down at you and smiled.


It was so natural for you. You always fell asleep on his shoulder and he didn't mind. He put his hands around your waist and pull you closer so you would be more comfortable.


Dongmin and you were helping Bin make some food for the boys. As the two of you sat on the stools, you leaned your head on his shoulder and fell asleep. Dongmin looked at you and chuckled as he saw your sleeping face.


Bin and you were talking. He talked about the rehearsal when he felt something on his shoulder. He looked down and saw you have fallen asleep. He smiled at your cute face.


Boys and you were out watching meteor rain. You felt yourself getting sleepy and just leaned on the person closest to you. You thought it was Sanha and fell asleep. Minhyuk looked down at you on his shoulder and blushed. Boys chuckled at his face.


Dongmin asked you to wait in his dorm for him while he comes home so you could have some fun. Sanha made you company and you two watched some movies. You leaned on his shoulder and fell asleep. He blushed and smiled at you.

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