[He Calls You Cute/Adorable]

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You were making cake for Jinwoo's birthday. MJ sat across from you and watched you. You were concentrated on cake, biting your lip and furrow your eyebrows.
MJ smiled and sighed at you.
"You are cute."
You looked up at him and blushed, giggling slightly.


You and Jinwoo were walking around the mall, buying some stuff. You looked at some dresses and giggled as you saw a shirt with Astro on it.
You showed it to Jinwoo and grinned.
"I'm buying this."
He laughed.
"You're adorable."
You smiled and blushed.


You, Sanha and Rocky were playing around. You pushed Rocky down and run with him chasing you. You hid behind Dongmin.
"Protect me, Dongmin oppa."
He laughed and looked down at you.
"You are so cute."
You blushed and hid your blushing face in his chest.


Rocky asked you to come to their concert and you agreed. You wore your favourite clothes and thought you looked nice.
Bin saw you nervously brushing your hair and waked to you.
"You look nice."
You blushed and giggled softly. He smiled and bit his lip.
"So cute."


Minhyuk, Sanha and you were in park when a cute puppy run past you.
You squealed as you saw it.
"It's so cute!"
Sanha rolled his eyes while Minhyuk smiled.
"You are so adorable."
You smiled at him and giggled.


You were blushing as Dongmin showed your baby pictures to the boys.
"Dongmin oppa!"
Sanha laughed at you.
"You are so cute."
Both of you blushed and laughed slightly, looking away from each other.

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