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You were talking to one of your friends from school. Myungjun didn't like it but didn't say anything. When your friend left, Myungjun pouted.
You smiled at him.
"I'm sorry you had to wait. I'm all yours now."
He smiled and hugged you happily.


Jinwoo watched you play with a cat. You ignored him the whole time, playing with the cat.
"Y/N, pay attention to me."
You laughed and kissed his cheek.
"My jealous baby."
Jinwoo smiled as you embraced him.


Dongmin glared at the guy that kept talking to you. You were too sweet to say anything so Dongmin went to you.
He hugged you and kissed your cheek.
"Ready to go, baby?"
You nodded happily and waved at the guy. As you turned around, Dongmin glared at the guy.


You were playing with Sanha at their dorm. Bin watched you two with a frown.
"I want attention."
You laughed and sat next to him.
"I'm all yours."
He grinned.


Minhyuk loved watching you work but when you stopped paying attention to him he got fussy.
"Y/N, pay attention to me. I'm bored."
You smiled and nodded.
"Fine, come here."
He came to you and cuddled to you.


Sanha was bothered by some random guy talking to you but was too sweet to say anything. You however weren't.
"I'm here with my boyfriend so leave us alone."
Sanha smiled at you as you kissed his cheek and took his hand.

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