[You Cry]

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You were washing the dishes when glass slipped from your hand and broke. You went to clean the mess when a glass cut your hand. You let out a little scream. MJ run into the kitchen and saw you with a bloody hand. He walked to you and helped you clean the cut. You sniffed a little as it was painful.
After putting the bandage around your hand, MJ pulled you to a hug.
"Just be careful."
You nodded.
"I will."


First time he saw you cry in front of him was when you broke up with your boyfriend, who was cheating. Jinwoo was holding you close to his chest as you cried. He brushed your hair and sighed.
"Forget about him. He was an idiot for letting such a great girl slip through his fingers. You'll find someone who will see you as his whole world."
You smiled through tears.
"Thank you."


You were talking to Dongmin when a loud thunder happened. You hated storms and were scared. Dongmin took your hand as he saw you jump at the loud thunder.
"Are you scared?"
You looked up at him when another one was really loud. A soft sob left your mouth as you started shaking.
Dongmin pulled you to his chest.
"Hey, hey. It's okay. I'm here. Nothing will hurt you as long as I'm here.
You calmed down as he whispered sweet things in your ear.


Your mom just told you that your pet run away and that they couldn't find it. You started crying when Bin saw you. He sat next to you and squeezed your hand as you told him what happened.
"Hey, don't worry. We'll find it. Don't worry. I'll help you."
You smiled softly.
"Thank you."


You were listening to some songs when a sad song started. You sniffled a bit and started crying. Minhyuk saw you and sat next to you, asking what's wrong.
"It's just a sad song."
He smiled and pulled you to his chest.
You nuzzled your head in his neck and calmed down.


Sanha and you were watching "The fault in our stars".
Sad scene started and you felt yourself sadden. You started crying.
Sanha turned to you as he heard you sniffle. His eyes softened as he pulled you to his chest and hugged you while you cried.
"Shh... I'm here. Shh..."

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