[He Makes You Blush]

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Myungjun and you were in a coffee shop talking. You were talking about your day when he leaned to you and kissed your nose. Your cheeks turned red and he giggled.


You were talking to Sanha when Jinwoo hugged you around your waist. You stuttered and your cheeks flushed. Sanha smiled at you two and left you alone.


Dongmin took you home after your date. You smiled up at him as he dropped you off. He put his hands on your cheeks and kissed your forehead. Your cheeks turned red and he smiled at you.


Bin and you were dancing around his room. As a ballad started, he pulled you to him by your waist. Your heart fluttered and your cheeks flushed. Bin smiled and swayed you to the music.


Minhyuk and you were walking while holding hands. You stopped looking towards the river and he hugged you from behind. He nuzzled his head in your hair and kissed behind your ear.
He chuckled at your red cheeks.


Sanha watched you play with your pet. He sat next to you and kissed your head.
"I love you."
You blushed, looking down.
"I love you too."

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