[He Confesses]

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You were watching movies with MJ when he suddenly turned to you.
"Y/N, I have something to tell you."
You nodded with a smile. Myunjun looked nervous.
"I really like. I've liked you since the moment I met you."
You smiled.
"I like you too, MJ."


He watched you with a smile as you talked about your favourite show. You turned to him and saw him smiling.
"Why are you smiling?"
He still watched you, not looking away.
"I like you."
Both of yours eyes widened. You suddenly smiled.
"I like you too, Jinwoo."


Both of you were reading books, just enjoying each others company. Dongmin looked up at you. Your eyes focused on book, your messy bun sat perfectly on top of your head and your nose scrunched in focus. He smiled at your cute face.
"I like you so much."
You looked up at him with red cheeks.
"I like you too."


Bin watched you and Minhyuk dancing. It was the end of their practice and you were messing around.
You started spinning around and almost fell when Bin steadied you.
He looked at your eyes.
"I like you."
Your eyes widened and you smiled.
"I like you too."


You were giggling with Sanha as you two watched cartoons.
Minhyuk sat beside you and watched your every expression.
You turn to him and his cheeks flushed.
"Is everything okay?"
He bit his lip and smiles.
"I just really like you."
Your cheeks flushed at his words.
"I like you too."


Sanha and you were outside, enjoying the sun. He was looking at you as your eyes were closed, your head tipped back. He watched your skin glow.
"I like you so much."
Your eyes opened and you smiled shyly at him.
"I like you too."

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