[Cute Moments]

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You were listening to Astro's song "Baby" and dancing. Mj heard the music and saw you dancing. He smiled as you danced and had fun.
You turned around and saw him watching you. You blushed.
Mj smiled.
"You're great. Can I join?"
You smiled and nodded.
He started dancing, purposely messing around. It made you laugh so you joined him.


You bought a new dress for yourself. You saw it in a shop and you immediately fell in love with it. You decided to wear it for the lunch with Jinwoo. He saw you and stuttered.
"Uh, you look beautiful."
You smiled and giggled.
"Thank you, oppa."
Jinwoo smiled and pulled you in a hug.


Dongmin and you were washing dishes after the dinner with boys. You were talking. You went to take a towel to dry your hands but Dongmin had the same thought. Your hands touched and both of you looked at each other.
Dongmin moved his hand away and smiled softly.
You smiled.
"Don't worry, oppa."


You and the boys were walking around the town. You walked beside Bin when he stopped you. He kneeled down and tied your shoe.
You blushed as he stood up and smiled down at you.
"Be careful. You could hurt yourself."
You smiled and nodded.
"Okay, oppa."


You were close to Astro's dorm when rain caught you. You were about to run when something was placed over you. You turned your head to the side and saw Minhyuk holding a jacket over both of you. You smiled at him.
"Oh, thank you, oppa."
Minhyuk smiled.
"No problem. Are you okay?"
You nodded.


You scoffed as you tried to reach for a mug that was on the tallest shelf.
You turned around to find your brother when Sanha walked into the kitchen. You grinned at him.
"Oh, oppa. Can you reach that mug for me?"
Sanha nodded and got the mug for you. You smiled as you took it.
"Thank you, oppa."
He smiled.
"No problem, Y/N."

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