[You Make Him Food]

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You walked into kitchen to see MJ frowning.
"Myungjun? Is everything okay?"
He smiled at you.
"Oh, yes. Well, I wanted to make something to eat but I don't know how."
You smiled and walked to him.
"I'll make you something."
MJ grinned at you.
"You will? Oh, thank you."
You smiled and made him and the rest of the boys food.


Jinwoo looked at you with puppy eyes.
"Please, Y/N..."
You sighed and looked at him.
"If I make you food, will you stop?"
Jinwoo nodded and grinned.
"Thank you."
You shook your head with a smile.


You saw Dongmin sneezing in living room. You made him some soup and put it in front of him.
He looked at you and smiled softly.
"Thank you."
You smiled and sat next to him until he was finished with food.


Bin didn't eat the whole day. He was in dance studio, trying to perfect the dance moves. You walked in and smiled. He turned around as he heard you.
You sat on the floor and patted the space beside you. He sat down and you gave him sandwiches you made.
"Minhyuk told me you haven't eaten."


Sanha pulled you to the kitchen to make some food.
"Come on, Minhyuk hyung is hungry also."
You smiled at your best friend.
"Fine. We'll make him something too."
After you finished, you took the plate to Minhyuk's room and smiled.
"Sanha and I made some food. Eat."
Minhyuk smiled at you.
"Thank you, Y/N."


You brought food to your brother and his group members. Sanha smiled at you.
"Did you make this?"
You smiled and nodded.
He let out an excited gasp as he tried the food.
"Delicious. Thank you, Y/N."

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