[First Kiss]

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You and Myungjun were walking through the park, holding hands. You smiled at little puppy that run by you.
"So cute!"
Myungjun looked at you and smiled.
"Not as cute as you."
You blushed and he pulled you to him, pressing his nose to yours. You smiled and leaned up, kissing him. He was taken aback but kissed you back. You pulled away and he saw your red cheeks.


He watched as you talked with your guy friend. Jinwoo didn't like it, he was jealous. You laughed at some joke and Jinwoo pulled you to him by your waist and kissed you. You pulled away and looked at him surprised. He smiled and pecked your nose.
"You are mine."
You giggled at him.
"Don't be jealous. I have my eyes only for you."


Dongmin was helping you finish homework. He watched you bite your lip as you tried to concentrate. He took your chin and turned your head to him, gently. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours, softly. You melted at the sweet kiss. He pulled away and smiled, shyly. You smiled at him and turned back to your homework.


Bin loved teasing you. He would throw you over his shoulder and run around, or he would jab his finger at your tummy as he passed by, or just make silly faces at you. He made kissy faces at you and you turned to him. You pressed your lips on his and he jumped in shock. You smiled ashe pulled you into a real kiss.


You talked to Minhyuk about your favourite movie/drama and you were rambling. He watched you woth a smile. Suddenly, he leaned forward and shut you up with a kiss. He pulled away, both of you blushing.
You giggled, still blushing.
"It's okay. I liked it."


Sanha watched you as you patted the cat. She purred and suddenly run away. You pouted as she run away. Sanha awed at your cute lips. He hugged you from behind and kissed you. You smiled at him, cheeks red.
Sanha grinned.
"There's that beautiful smile I love so much."

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