[You Are Upset]

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You had the worst day. You woke up late for school, you spilled coffee on your shirt and it started raining as you walked back home. Myungjun pulled you to hug as he saw you upset. He run his hands up and down your back, calming you down.


You were studying for hours and were frustrated about the finals coming up. Jinwoo saw you throw a pencil in anger. He made you some food and told you to take a break. You ate together and you calmed down.


You had a fight with your parents and were sitting on couch, glaring at the TV. Dongmin smiled softly and sat next to you, pulling you to his chest. He run his hand across your arm. You sighed and relaxed as he held you close.


You and your friend got into a fight and she wasn't talking to you. You laid in bed, upset. Bin laid beside you and pulled you to him, him being the big spoon. He nuzzled his nose into your hair, calming you down.


You lost the necklace your grandma gave you. You were so upset. Minhyuk pulled you to a hug, kissing your forehead. You squeezed him tightly and he sighed, saying that he'll help you find it.


You had a bad day. Your favourite shirt ripped and you lost your presentation for class. Sanha back hugged you and kissed your head. He nuzzled his head in your neck and pressed a soft kiss on your neck, calming you a bit.

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