I'm not THAT short!

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"ANT! COME ON, YOU'VE BEEN IN THERE FOR AGES!!!" Dec shouted, pounding on the bathroom door.

At last, Ant emerged from the bathroom smiling innocently at Dec, who frowned at him.

"Finally, now I can brush my teeth." Dec pushed his way past Ant.

"You know, brushing your teeth is the only time you clean your skeleton." Ant said matter-of-factly.

Dec gave him a weird look, "Well, thanks, I needed that fact out of the blue today!"


Ant and Dec both yawned as their college teacher finally got to the end of his lecture.

"So remember everybody, appreciate the little things!" He shouted, trying to be heard over the clamour of students, who were packing up.

With a smile on his face, Ant immediately turned to Dec and hugged him.

Dec pushed him away laughing, and jokingly hit him on the arm.

"Seriously!? I'm not THAT short!"


Stephen was greeted with the sight of Ant trying to place sloppy kisses all over Dec.


"Ummm... is he okay?" He questioned, watching as Dec desperately tried to push him away.


"He's fine," Dec replied, out of breath. "He just got his wisdom teeth removed earlier."

Ant clasped his hands together and stared dreamily at Dec.



Dec gazed longingly at Ant sprawled on the sofa watching TV, his shirt hitching up to reveal his toned stomach. Nice abs, he thought.

"Ant? My mouth's cold." He whined.

"Really? Want me to warm it up for you?" Ant smirked. Dec nodded eagerly in reply. "Okay, wait a bit."

He went to the kitchen and Dec ran over to the sofa where Ant was, waiting for him to return.

A few minutes passed and Dec looked up when Anthony appeared from the kitchen.

He passed Dec a mug of steaming hot chocolate. "Here you go!" He said, smiling brightly.

With a wry smile, Dec hesitantly took the mug and cupped it in his hands.

"That is what you meant, right?" Ant asked, with a grin playing at the corner of his mouth.

Oh my god just kill me now please. "S-sure... yup... definitely..."


Ant and Dec PromptsWhere stories live. Discover now