I Did NOT Scream

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I wrote this kinda quickly because I haven't updated in ages sorryyyy so it's not perfect but enjoy!


Dec and Stephen watched Ant through the window as he walked up the path, carrying a huge watemelon (long story, don't ask). They stifled their laughter behind their hands as they watched him struggle to carry it, his face visibly turning red at the effort.

Ant had made it nearly half way up the path when he lost hold of the large fruit and dropped it, desperately trying to cling on. Through the window the boys looked on, appalled as the watermelon smashed on the pavement and decorated the bricks with its bright red juice. However, no one was more disappointed than Ant, who fell to his knees and wailed.

"MY BABY!!" He screamed, now sprawled across the floor, grabbing handfuls of the red mush.

Stephen watched the event play out before him and rolled his eyes before turning away, amused. To say that he was weirded out would be an understatement. There were times when he felt as if his friends acted as if they were 10 years old rather than their age.

"God help the person who ends up dating Ant." Stephen said, a grin playing on the corner of his mouth. Dec turned to him with mock indignation punched him on the shoulder.

"I'm dating him!" He exclaimed.

"Oh?!" Stephen laughed teasingly, nursing his arm. Then, his face turned serious and he placed his hand across his chest.

"Well, my sincere condolences."



Dec woke up with a start and looked to the side of his bed. Empty.

Frowning, he sat up and stretched, surveying the blank spot to the right of him. The covers were creased and the bed was still slightly warm. He scanned the room, eyes now adjusted to the dark.

"Ant?" He called cautiously. There was no answer. He got out of bed and walked across the landing to their bathroom, which he found cold and empty. Confused, Dec scratched his head, wondering where he could be. He was just about investigate further when he heard a large bang from downstairs, followed by curses and muttering by a very familiar voice.

He stealthily tiptoed down the stairs, careful to avoid creaky floorboards. He peeked around the door. He could barely make out Ant sitting on the sofa in the dark, his silhouette lit up by the light of the TV

Dec stood there for a few minutes and watched as Ant got up and began rummaging through the fridge. Later, his attention shifted to the titles rolling across the TV and stood shocked when he realised what Ant had just finished watching.

Ant? Watching Line of Duty without him?

How dare he. This was betrayal at its finest. Seems like he needed a lesson.

A mischievous grin spread across his face as he reached for the light switch, turning it on. Almost immediately, he heard the TV pause and Ant worriedly call out, "Hello?"

Dec resisted the urge to grin and tried his best to suppress his laughter. He waited for a few seconds and then switched the switch off, leaving Ant in the darkness once again.

"Hellooo?" Ant repeated, his voice shaking with worry. Dec peeked around the corner and saw that he had now curled up on the sofa with his blanket brought up to his chin. Dec almost felt sorry for him and decided to put him out of his misery. He jumped out from behind the wall and landed with a bang on the floor boards.

While Ant shrieked and threw the blanket over himself, Dec was doubling over with uncontrollable laughter. Recognising the laugh, Ant peeked out from under the blanket and scowled at Dec, who was wiping the tears from his eyes.

"You scream like a girl!" Dec howled, pointing at him.

"I do not scream like a girl."

Dec tried not to burst into laughter once more. "Well you sure did a high pitched scream."

"I did not scream." Ant repeated, still scowling. He crossed his arms obstinately as he and Dec began a stare off.

Dec raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah?"

Ant vigorously nodded his head and froze when Dec asked, "So what was it then?"

"Err, that was me merely trying to have a heart attack with a little bit of dignity."

Dec laughed at his boyfriend's stubbornness.

"That's what you get for watching Line of Duty without me." He explained. Ant forgot his scowl, smiled sheepishly at him and yawned. Unable to resist his cuteness, Dec enveloped Ant in a bear hug and held him close, with Ants head laying on his chest.


I didn't know how to finish that IM SORRY but now, back I go into hiding! :)

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