Where's my thingamajig?

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So I think a lot of you guys liked the 'lazy' chapter I did with the cute drabbles so I'm doing it again!


Dec: Aw, you're so cute! I'd date you.

Ant: Then date me.

Dec: ...what?


Dec: If I run and leap at Ant, he will almost certainly catch me in his arms.

Dec: COMING IN!!! *runs at Ant*


Ant: *drops cup of coffee on the floor and catches Dec*


Ant: *chokes on something*

Dec: God, Ant, please don't die on me!

Ant: Don't tell me what to do, I'll die whenever the hell I want!


Dec: Are you... blushing?

Ant: What? No...

Dec: Did I get the ever-stoic, hardcore, total badass Ant McPartlin to blush?

Ant: No... It's... It's the cold

Dec: Huh. It's the cold. And not that I told you "your face is freaking adorable and I bet the rest of you is too?"

Ant: *blushes harder*  *voice cracks* N-no!

(kashariak all I could think about was your story 'Unconditional'!! XD


Dec: Wanna hear the best joke ever?

Ant: What is it?

Dec: My life! Because my life is a joke!

Ant: Don't say that!

Dec: Aww, thats sweet-

Ant: It has to be funny to be a joke.


Dec: *loses Ant in a crowd* Hey, Stephen,  I can't find Ant anywhere. I'm getting worried.

Stephen: Alright. *cups mouth* Ant sucks!

Ant: *nothing*

Stephen: Ok then... DEC SUCKS!!!

Ant: *punches his way through the crowd* WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY LIL DEMON?!? I'LL KICK YOUR ASS.

Stephen: *turns to Dec* Found him.


Stephen: So you're telling me, when you think of Ant, your chest gets tight and your face gets hot, and you think that means you're angry?

Dec: Yes.

Stephen: Do you feel like that when you're angry at me?

Dec: No.

Stephen: Do you feel like that when you're mad at literally anyone else?

Dec: No.

Stephen: So what you're feeling about Ant isn't anger. It's most likely-

Dec: *light bulb going off* Super anger!

Stephen: ... *walks away*


Ant: Where's my thingamajig?

Dec: *doesn't even look up* On top of the hoosiwhatsis.

Ant: *walks into the next room, straight to the shelf, and picks up his shaving kit bag and walks out*


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