A guy like him?

546 24 11

I sighed in relief as the bell finally went, signalling the start of lunch and a well deserved break for me. Today had been a long day. I had barely had enough time to gather my thoughts between lessons. I lay back in my chair and twiddled my pen as my students packed up their belongings and filed out of the class, flooding into the already crowded corridor.

After the door had been firmly closed, I lifted my eyes and was met with the chaos of a classroom that had been left behind. Sighing and pulling at my hair frustratedly, I rose from my chair and put myself to work on sorting out my class.

Once I had finished arranging all the tables and chairs,  I locked the door and decided to check on Ant's class. We both worked as teachers in the same secondary school, with me working in English, and him in History. Today was the only day in the week where I had a free period and was able to see him while he was teaching.

On second thought... I decided to check mainly on Ant. He was mildly autistic, meaning his social skills were terrible unless you knew him well. During the last few weeks, he had had many issues with a boy in his class called Tyler, who seemed to take pleasure in breaking every class rule there was. Ant often had to have an extra teacher there for support and had been venting to me about Tyler nearly every day, each time sounding close to tears while I held him close.


After nearly being knocked down by a bunch of over enthusiastic footballers in the corridor, I finally made it to Ant's class. I pushed the door open quietly and was greeted with a smile from him almost instantly. The rest of the class had been set on a task and were talking among themselves. They barely noticed me as I walked in.

Smiling softly, I walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Ant, do you want me to get you something for lunch?"

He shook his head no and then gave me another smile before he went back to marking papers. Just before I turned and left, a tall boy barged past me, knocking me hard on the shoulder. He sauntered to the front of the class and dropped a few of crumpled papers on the desk.

Ant glanced at them before sighing defeatedly. "Late, again, Tyler. I can't keep extending deadlines for you. " His voice was barely above a whisper and I could hardly hear him from the door.

Tyler smiled angelically down at him. "I'm sorry, sir. I've just been behind lately with a lot of my work. I've caught up again so I promise it won't happen again."

And nodded at him and bent his head as he collected the papers and put them at the bottom of his pile.  As soon as Tyler turned away from him, the innocent look completely disappeared and was replaced with a smirk and an eye roll. This earned him a few laughs from a bunch of boys in the corner of the class.

So. This was Tyler.

I frowned as I took in his appearance and rubbed my shoulder where he had pushed me.

"Sorry would be nice." My voice was just loud enough for him to hear me as he walked past me back to his place. Scowling, he turned and looked at me as if just realising I was there. He stared at me blankly for a few seconds before he opened his mouth.

"Are you his assistant or something?" He asked bluntly.

"No, I'm his husband."

Instantly, he threw head back and laughed loudly, catching the attention of the rest of the class. The chatter quickly died down to hushed whispers. Noticing the sudden change of noise, Ant looked up and shot me a pleading look.

I returned his plea with a reassuring smile.

Then, I stared back at Tyler, unamused. Once he realised that I wasn't laughing along with him, his eyes widened in surprise. "Really?"

"Yeah, really." I deadpanned, looking as bored as I felt.

Tyler got over the revelation quickly, the surprised expression vanishing off his face in a matter of seconds. Almost immediately after, the corners of his lips curled up into a malicious grin. He leant against his chair looked me up and down before shooting glances between me and Ant.

"Well," He finally smirked. "What's a guy like you doing with a guy like him?"

I narrowed my eyes at him and folded my arms defensively. "A guy like him?"

"Yeah, you know... he's different." He gestured to Ant dismissively.

"Oh, I see a difference." I stepped forward, closing the distance between us, determined to teach him a lesson.

"Exactly, " He waggled his eyebrows. "He-"

I cut him off. My clear voice rang out in the silence of the class.

"He's getting laid tonight and you're not."

I barged past him, similarly knocking his shoulder while making a beeline straight for Ant. He stood up took a step back in surprise as I marched determinedly towards him. I reached him, grabbed him around the waist and planted a forceful kiss on him. As soon as our lips made contact, the students cheered and Tyler ran from the class, a tinge of scarlet exploding uncontrollably across his face.

I felt Ant grinning into the kiss, and his eyes danced brightly when we pulled apart. I intertwined my hand with his and noticed that he wore the same blush as Tyler. I smiled lovingly up at him and laughed.

The only difference I could see was that it looked cute on him.


HIIII I stopped being lazy and actually wrote something lol. This has been in my drafts for a few days without any inspiration and then all of a sudden, when I'm tired, I find some!

I was thinking of taking a few of my longer stories from here and making them into separate one shots (probably because I want to feel as if I have more works 😄😄😄).
I might edit them as well (not this one though), so make sure to check them please! ❤ 💖

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